I have to get rid of that bird

in #whysoserious7 years ago (edited)

May 8th, Monday afternoon

I asked @moon32walker how he solved his problem with a singing bird that didn't allow him to get any sleep at nights...

The guy removed the clothes line from the balcony and damn bird doesn't come anymore. He had that problem for I while and we all laughed about the ways he trying to chase the bird. So, he confirmed that he sleeps well now... if I didn't ask him, maybe nothing of next things would happen...

May 10th, Wednesday, 4:38 AM (Night One)

In one moment I'm in some misty circus inside the space station, in next I'm awake, with my eyes fully opened, confused with the sound that I haven't defined yet.

"WHOOOOO, WHOOOO!!!", strange bird asks "who" very loudly just next to my window. A fact that could be a same bird from @moon32walker's balcony went across my mind.
I opened the window. It was a turtle dove, @moon32walker had problems with swallows. The bird was standing on the phone wire just a meter from me. And it didn't stop letting these strange sounds. In normal circumstances, I would like their song, but now... I tried to chase it away, but bird ignored me. Tried to get some sleep but without any success. 6:00 AM, making coffee, preparing for work while sleeping on my feet.


May 11th, Thursday, 4:19 AM (Night Two)

I was awake again and this was the second night that I didn't get a good sleep. My wife can have a good sleep on the battlefield, it seems. I started to think how to chase the bird away.

Maybe I should throw something on it?

I went to the kitchen, I saw the knifes.... I was so angry that I would chop that bird into little pieces if I could catch it! And I love the animals! On the balcony, I found few clothespins! They should do! So, I came back to my room, opened the window and threw one clothespin on the bird. She just moved around to avoid the clothespin and came back. While the Sun was rising, I was throwing clothespin to chase the bird away, but the bird was coming back every time. Another night without good sleep.

May 12th, Friday 4:22 AM (Night Three)

"WHOOOOOOOO, WHOOOOOO!!!", oh no, it's here again! And killing me through my ears! But I was ready this time! I prepared a dozen little rocks and I made a two - three rains of rocks on the bird... and it flew away! I came back to bed!
5:19 AM
"WHOOOOOOOOO, WHOOOOOOOO!!!" - Oh, shit! It's here again! Another night without good sleep!

May 13th, Saturday 4:37 AM (Night Four)

For this night I developed a strategy!

I didn't close the door of the bedroom! And my dog and cat wouldn't miss the opportunity to sneak into our bed. In that cases, cat climbs on the window and lies there and scared the birds. I thought it could be helpful. So, in 4:37 AM I first I heard was "WHOOOOOOOOOO, WHOOOOOOO!", then very loud and creepy "MEOW!!!", then some strange sound of my cat jumping on the window, and then my dog started to bark. Then all dogs in the neighborhood started to bark like it's war outside! What have I done?


Easy solution:

Take down the telephone line ;)

I wouldn't bother, I'm all wireless :)

I sleep well now.

I understand you better now... well, you deserved your good sleep

Get a cat. They hunt birds, especially at night....

You created a situation where I'll describe as all hell break lose

I am so happy that I don't have to deal with annoying bird sounds! :)

If you can get your hands on some cat pee just splash that in the location of where birds are hanging out. I assume a dove is in a tree probably out of reach.

Splashing water on pigeons usually keeps them away for a few days at a time. They don't like it and they remember and they tell their friends, it's weird. Maybe next time they wake you use a decent water gun, with water not the aforementioned cat pee. lol. Might drag out of bed and ruin your night but the next night should be better.

And your pet chain reaction is classic awesomeness.

Ok, thanks, the water seems logical

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