Monochrome Monday ~ Deep Thoughts On Frogs And Building A Train On A Monday In Late February ~ Original Photography and Semi-Short Discussion ~

in #whyfrogsdontliketrains7 years ago (edited)

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A Tree, A Pond, A Hill, and A Train. I Wonder What The Frogs Are Thinking?

Down By The Froggy Pond

Stare into the photo, breathe deep, take a moment to relax, and ponder the grand universe as it unfolds before us. Then head closer toward the water, to see if you can find one of the many pond or tree frogs, peeping away at the edge. Good luck, these frogs are wily. And you better hope the railroad people in the background don't start building a train, as you go about your hopeful, amphibial search.

Ever heard a train being put together? It is an amazing combination of annoyingly loud, frog interrupting noise, with a rather fascinating sound experience at the end of the process. This particular stretch of track goes for miles (imagine that...), and when they ram the cars together building the train, it makes quite a racket. A real jolt to jangle the nerves at the start. Then the rather cool sound-part happens. (Or not, depending on your sensibilities about these human-created things and the noise disturbance in a small, 'nature corner' of the city-scape').

Cool, In An Annoying Sort Of Way

The heavy, metallic kee-lonk of the huge couplers ramming together with incredibly strong, forced violence is amazing. That first sharp sound hits the loudest, usually scaring me out of my pants. Then, exactly the same sound heads down the train in boxcar lock-step. One after the other, the base of the couplers slam together, in succession, car after car after car.

On down the very long 'line' of the train the staccato travels, waning as it makes its way toward the horizon, away from your location. Finally running out of sound as abruptly as it started, at the 'caboose' end of things. This can go on for a mile or more into the distance. I'm sure Einstein wrote a formula to discuss this sort of chain-reaction sound thing, though I could not re-iterate it here if I had to.

I do know one day I would like to record this sound occurrence. Though these things seldom have the same effect in 'non-real-life'. I'm going out on a Science limb here, and say this is because in 'real life' we have two ears, separated by a big old round head in the center. And as this sort of train-sound-progression-thing happens, we turn our head to follow, as it moves away from us. No, it's just not going to be the same on a recording device. One thing I love about the realism of the sights and sounds of nature...even if it is all about a very loud, annoying train.

An Obstute* Observation About The Amphib's

Yes, this is all amazingly noisy and a bit obnoxious. Yet also interesting. I guess I'm somewhat fascinated with trains. Have been ever since I was a kid. I also love sneaking up on frogs in a pond. Also since I was a small person. A true dichotomy between the naturalness of nature and the industrial-based, human condition within which we live. What does all this mean?

I have no idea.

But I DO know the frogs don't seem to like any of this. They tend to go silent at the long, loud sound. Must be very puzzling, down in frog-ville. I wonder what in the world they think all this huge, progression of noise IS? One can only imagine.

Something more to ponder. But maybe tomorrow, on a Tuesday in late February, down by the froggy pond.

~ Finto ~

Thanks for stopping in and viewing the B&W tree/hill/pond/train and other things involved here. If you have any thoughts about wintertime trees, ponds, train building and possible frog thoughts on the matter, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

*Obstute: Obtusely Astute

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And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 02/26/2018 @ 16:08

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 40

DONE BW Challenge Train and Pond and Frogs Stinky Smothering.PNG


Interesting those thoughts, by the way in which station are in your country? you make very good pictures you also write me well little by little I'm getting to know you

Thanks, I appreciate you stopping into my blog. Glad you enjoy it. I live in the Northwest part of the US, in Oregon. Are you familiar with this area?

Well not much now that I've been reading your blog, but I like it that way, I learn from Venezuela

Frogs and trains. Bears and feet and cinnamon. You are a master of the unexpected combo!

Thanks, it does seem as though there is often something going on in many tiny corners of the world. Now I have to find a connection between all of these. Pretty sure there is a short here somewhere.

Maybe...all about the pond frogs are no longer singing, too busy smuggling rare spices cleverly poured into old straw bedding tubules in the empty cross-country boxcars of freight, all the while avoiding the bear 'bulls' stalking the rail yards of the America's with their billy clubs and cinnamon-sniffing badgers én leash. Who buys the spices? Well, the ants, of course. All named Mortimer. Mortimer one, two, three, Mortimer 7, get the picture. Cinnamon is needed to make better trails to follow in the rain. Hmm...

March of the Mortimers, aptly illustrated in song by the immortal Ben Johnston. Here you can hear them endless, numbered ants distributing their cinnamon-spice messages to the colony, in a ritual that does not always proceed without peril:

That fits perfectly, for what I was imagining. You are a master at the mix match. And I learned a bit about Ben Johnston. He taught at my University. Wow, small world.

I need to record the frogs by the swamp. They are an extremely skidish bunch and let out a tiny but audible yelp when started. I’m not sure if this is an involuntary reaction or an attempt to warn the others.

That would be fun to record. I've done it with the phone, but not a very good one. They can be LOUD. I do think the 'yelp' is a warning, to their buddies in the pond area. Smart little amphibs.

When you make a new share, I'm excited: D
a beautiful story again! I read with a smile. Master this!

Thank you very much. So glad you enjoyed it. I think my goal is to make people smile every day. The world needs more humor all the time, in my book.

"What manner of beast would dare be louder than we are?" Just guessing.

Ha haa, I have heard a few ponds that could rival all this train mayhem. Amazing for little airbag amphibs.

The froggy pond sounds delightful, unless the train is going by.

My grandma's last home sat just feet in front of a train track. I really do not know how she slept as they went by. Had the train fallen over I'm not sure it would have missed hitting her house.

Beautiful black and white photo with wonderful scenery! The tree is very amazing growing high to the sky.....

Nice story of the Froggy Pond and the train. I think I can hear the loud noise from the photo and the story that you shared.... ;D

p.s. : I couldn't see the train, if you didn't tell us. ;))

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