
up voter thank you and thanks steemit

All you can do is moderate your diet and workout. If that doesn't cut it then see a doctor - there might be another issue.
I don't mean to sound pedantic but sometimes our definition of overweight might just lie within the healthy range, medically speaking.

thank you for helping voter at seemit

I have battled with weight my entire life. Sometimes I am winning, sometimes I am losing. Right now, i feel like I am winning. What has been helping me is proper motivation. I am 6 foot, the heaviest I have gotten to was 255 when i was 15 or 16 I felt like shit and hated myself. Then when I turned 18 I joined a MMA gym and got a physically difficult job and within a year I was down to 170. Glutamine, protein, and creatine were my only supplements at the time. The best advice I can give you is to expose yourself to the unpleasant rigors of life and to address joint pains with supplements such as msm and the big 4 amino acids. I think making an investment into supplements helps keep me on track with my diet and workout regimens. The bottom line is that you need to instill within yourself that you are not happy being overweight, and that it makes life more difficult. Personal trainers can help you, but the intrinsic motivation to get and stay in shape must come from you. Make a commitment to something that will whoop your body into shape. Ketosis and its immediate results worked wonders for me as well.

danbiohackingman (25) you wonderful help so much and thanks steemit

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