Why Men Always Ignore Certain Women

in #why2 years ago

The scientific reason they choose others


All her life, Tanya had always been told she was "amazing ", "A great catch ", "inspiring ", and "dream wife material" by the men she'd had relationships with ...
Check out the Comprehensive Video to found out now .https://tinyurl.com/learn-more-about-this

But all those seemingly kind words actually made her feel awful .

Because the unfortunate truth is :

Despite how much of a catch they CLAIMED she was, they still weren't CHOOSING to move the relationship forward with her.

For Tanya, this suggested that those men were either lying , or there was something else she was doing wrong : something so undesirable they simply couldn't bring themselves to stick with her.

"It made me really feel hopeless " she told us . "Why am I never enough for the guys I really want ?".

"All I want is for a good man to love me".

This fundamental question of what makes men select a specific woman while not feeling it with others has plagued women for as long as men and women have been getting together .

Today, science may finally have an answer .

According to new research findings released in the scientific journal, "Archives of Sexual Behaviour"*, men aren't drawn to women based on "logical reasons".

Relationship and dating researcher Clayton Max explained to us, "It's not about ticking off the criteria on his list of what makes his 'dream relationship '. And a woman can't persuade a man to want to be with her".

The point is , Max states , when a woman attempts to persuade a guy , put pressure on him , or show him how perfect she is, it's probably going to backfire, as behaviours like this are the exact opposite of what makes men confidently sure she is for him.

"The reality is" according to Max, "The choice for guys comes down to one thing and one thing only :.

They go with partners who trigger that hypnotic feeling of INFATUATION".

Psychologists have discovered that infatuation comes from a primitive instinct deep within the brain ...

And with males , it's either on or it's not .
When a man's infatuation response is triggered , it does NOT matter if a potential partner has any of the qualities that he wanted .

They could be totally 'incompatible' on paper , but he'll make time for her. He'll move cities to be with her . .

Because the Infatuation Impulse literally SHUTS OFF his mind to everything other than making her his .

So exactly how does a woman turn on his Infatuation Impulse ... to make him so overwhelmed with desire for her he's ready to do anything to convince her just how much he wants her?

Check out the Comprehensive Video to found out now .
3 Top Ways To Make Him Love You Like Crazy https://tinyurl.com/learn-more-about-this

What do you do when you're falling hard for a special guy ? Is your mind full of love and desire for him, but you're not sure how to show it?

Perhaps you're worried he could find you too extreme and back away , or maybe you're worried that he'll be drawn into somebody else 's arms .

Whatever the situation , try these 3 awesome tips to help him really feel an intense , all consuming need for you and YOU alone .

1. Slowly Work Your Way Into His Life

Most women think that men want to sleep with a girl as fast as possible . However in my research , I found that you're most likely to pull him in by becoming close friends with him first .

I know that may seem frightening because this could get you assigned into the "Friend Zone". However the suggestion is to not hop in bed straightaway and to tactfully draw it out a little bit .

The fact is , most guys love the tantalizing torment of the "slow burn".

If you play it right , you can skillfully maintain this dance till his mind reaches a stage where he can't remain being 'just friends ' with you any longer .

He'll want to take things to a more romantic level.

Discover The 'Subconscious Triggers' To Switch on a Man 's Infatuation Instinct

2. Win His Heart With Words

A good connection comes about when a couple has a habit of communicating in a mild , loving way .

Of course, in reality this isn’t always the case , especially when we get into disagreement .

Although for the most part, a relationship grows when there are more words of affirmation than animosity or argument .

That's why he is most likely to respond constructively to a spouse that recognizes his strengths and then encourages them through words of positive affirmation .

As an example , you can easily mention to him how handsome he looks in his brand-new t-shirt , or even the way he remembers so much music trivia .

Think of the characteristics you like about him, and make sure to point them out .

Use These Scripts To Activate His Infatuation Instinct And See The Transformational Difference In How He Responds

3. Make Use Of Powerful Body Language

Maybe you've noticed the way some lovers seem to match one another ? I'm speaking about the manner in which they finish each other 's sentences and already know what the other person is thinking before they even say a word .

Probably you've observed this unusual quality in happy duos , whether it's your colleague with her hubby or even your grandparents. They seem to simply know each other on a deep, unspoken level .

In order to imitate that connection and set the direction for you and your spouse , it's good to start with reading body language .

Of course , a long-lasting relationship requires you to create a bond of mutual growth and so on . Yet mirroring his body language , for instance , is a great means to put down the foundations .

For instance , if you're going out on a date with him and he is enjoying it , he will probably be wearing a smiling, happy expression on his gorgeous face.

Now you could mirror the illumination of his expression and, automatically , it is going to allow you to create a psychological connection with him. It's nothing but magical , and it will absolutely feel like you are growing closer together .

When you start doing these body language techniques , you will start moving your partnership on a far better course . Use these as practices you can embrace into your daily routine , like going to work or making a deposit at the bank .

Pretty soon , your relationship will be abundant with love and you will have lots of it to continue for years into the future .

Furthermore , did you know that you can also say a few select words to him in order to make him quickly fall for you even HARDER? It seems insane , but there is a combination of words that will literally alter a man 's emotional state and generate burning feelings of passion for you.

The truth is that it's based on an obscure psychological principle . Absolutely any woman can use this through a combination of particular words that will develop a powerful effect on the way he sees you.

It's almost like re-wiring his mind so he can't think of spending the rest of his life with any woman but you. Honestly , it's a degree of devotion that's almost scary.

If you're ready for this kind of dedication , however, you can find out the secrets to this technique right here: https://tinyurl.com/learn-more-about-this

How To Use Infatuation Scripts To Make Him Sure That You're The One For Him

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