
in #whoami10 months ago

Shannon Neill-Sword stole my ID documents and credentials 10 years ago and gave them to a Nigerian prostitute, who used my credentials to become a professor at the University of Toronto. The prostitute apparently even had a child. I guess eventually the prostitute was caught, but no government official or police officer ever told me about this fraud or crime. Not even the thief Shannon Neill-Sword.

These people chased me around the country for 10 years. Bullied me out of every job and every place I found to live. Did not want me to have any friends m And continually repeated false rumours and lies about me. I filed numerous cases in Ontario and since been in BC since 2021, I had to file numerous cases again.

The sad part is I didn't even know this woman. I met her briefing 2013 and I have not thought or knew anything about her life. The last I knew of her was that she was dating a guy named Allen, who was divorced and had a 14 year old daughter at the time.

When I met her she was going by the name Osha, but I heard she now goes by Patricia and her birth name was Rachel. I don't even know her last name. I did not even knew she had a son. I didn't know she use to be a prostitute in Italy, France or other place in Europe. So here these people are chasing me around the country telling me they are trying to help me and I can not figure out what they were trying to help with.
So basically, they thought I was the prostitute and running from the police.

I was so shock to discover this news in November 2023. Let me say never in my life has anyone ever paid me for any sexual encounters. I have never been a stripper or a prostitute. Everything, I have I worked my ass off for it. Doing 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs.

So here I was forced to live a life of poverty because Shannon Neill-Sword stole my found have them to a prostitute. All the years I had live with Shannon and he abused me for many years. He never told me about what he had done. Here it is the prostitute and her gang are slagging me off, repeating lies and rumours about me and I didn't even know of her existence or that my identity was stolen and given to her.

Basically, they were trying to frustrate me and cover up the fact they stole my identity and gave it to a prostitute.
I want Shannon Neill-Sword arrested and charged. I also want this woman charged with fraud stalking and harassment. I also want everyone involved in the cover up of this identity theft and fraud arrested and charged.

Ok so remember I met Ana who was Robert wife the seamstress living in the same building as Shimon Karmel at 1701 Powell St, Vancouver BC.

Just some background Shimon Karmel was the one that taped all those fake casting call auditions, I went to with Lucas Talent Agency in Vancouver. My agent at Lucas Talent Agency was Jodi, Jodi was referred to me by Stephen Noon.

Stephen Noon in was the white Australian living at 1288 Fulton Ave, where, I believe the video of me rocking myself to sleep was taking because he didn't want me to have a lock and key on my door. Stephen accused me of damaging his floors by cleaning them. Stephen threaten me with weapons and told me the guns were for shooting rats. He also had a portrait, that I saw last in a Mississauga apartment where Shannon Neill-Sword kicked the shit out of me.

I am not a gun expert so I don't know, what type of rats you would shoot with guns around the city. I do know that I have never done any crime and I heard the term " rat' is used to refer to someone that has to testify in court. I have not been called to court for any reason. I file court cases that never get call.

Are they trying to conceal the fact that they stole my identity and medical research? That my stolen identity was given to a Nigerian prostitute that got a job at the University of Toronto with my credentials? Are they trying to conceal the fact, that apparently there was a Chinese prostitute operating from Mohammed's garage in West Vancouver, which was turned into an apartment?

When I first moved to Vancouver, I was renting an AirBnB room from Mohammed's before moving two doors down the street and rented a room with Stephen Noon. I had told Stephan I just needed a room for two years because I wanted to focus on my Life Science research.

Stephen made it unbearable for me to live the and went he would shout and threaten me, I had nowhere to go so I was forced to call the Shimon Karmel and he would be so mean to me. Here I was renting a room and afraid to sleep there and had to hangout at Shimon whilst I look for housing.

So who gave Stephen the guns and the portrait? Also it is believed that Shannon Neill-Sword is the one that stole my identity documents and gave them to the Nigerian prostitute which she used to get a teaching position at the University of Toronto.

How come I called the court house everyday for a year and my case against Stephen Noon never got called?

Ana (Vietnamese full name Nguyen Diep Giang Thanh) and I use to hang out alot and I gave her all that clothing bought from the Stylewe website. The website was a fraud which, exploited me out of thousands of dollars.

At one one Ana has invited me to Vietnam(2022) and I was telling Bambi about it. I was looking forward to going on the trip but I had to save first.

Well after that fraud thing with Fred Dafo/Addison Brasil/ Henry Brown took place in Feb/ March 2023. I didn't hear from Ana, Megan Guise or Alayah Lidya Mohammed Khan Thomas much. So anyways Alayah and I met up sometime in June 2023 for coffee and she told me she was going on holiday to Toronto for a weeks. I message her a few times and called but she didn't respond much. Then I was Alayah was posting pictures on WhatsApp of herself in Vietnam by statues and monuments. I sent her a text asking if she was in Vietnam. She did not respond. When I messaged her and Megan early Friday Morning on November 17th 2023 telling them what I found out. The verbage and response I got from them(Alayah and Megan) was the same.

So it appears Aaliyah thinks I am involved in some scamming, as you can see from her text to me she saying she would keep her distance from me.

I said, I don't blame her, but I know, I am not involved in any scamming.

Ana, I have not heard from her in months and my previous conversations with her have disappeared. I message her number and no response.

For some reason these people keeps targeting me and accusing me of things that I have nothing to do with. I just play along because I am trying to figure out, what it has to do with me.

My identity and academic research has been stolen on several occasions.

Whatever, this is. I don't know but I do know this. I do not need anyone to marry me to stay in the country. I don't need anyone to pay my bills or feed me. I can reason, function and be self-sufficient on my own. Therefore, the question is;

Why are these people still targeting and bothering me and anyone, I try to befriend? I keep filing court cases that never get called. I do not understand why this is happening.

Who am I?
Why did they cover up my identity theft ? Why did they hid this from me? Why do they keep following me around the world and stealing my word and ID papers.

You are not going to believe the stuff that is unfolding. My ID papers were stolen 10years ago by Shannon Neill-Sword and given to a Nigerian prostitute, who used it to get a job as a professor at the University of Toronto. She started a family has biracial kid(s). So here this bitch was living a good life using my credentials and I was wondering why people were attacking and disrespecting me everywhere I went and recording themselves abusing me.

So the reason, I was constantly being as for extra verification and proof is because they thought, I was the prostitute. The prostitute and her gang found out where I was living in Vancouver 2021 and came and stole my ID papers again to cover up their tracks.. This is why people have been so forward with me.. apparently police officers were involved and they would follow me around and bully me at all my jobs and tell people to record themselves disrespecting and molesting me and posting it on social media.

An innocent boy went to jail when he went to the police with the allegations and that's why my case was not called because they had given that racist man Stephen Noon in West Vancouver guns to threaten me and demand extra money for renting a bedroom in a house he did not own. I kept calling the court house for over a year and a half and the case was never called.

Poor Rossana lost her job apparently for her being my friend somehow. Bambi lied about Rossana and said Rossana peed in the toilet and did not flush it because apparently this was some lie the prostitute told about me. I did not know this Nigerian woman was a prostitute in Europe when I had met her back in 2013. I knew nothing about her life.If I saw that woman on the street I won't even know who she is or what she looks like. I have never thought about her since. When I renewed my British passport it was revealed, I am who I am and this woman was a fraud.

They were involved in romance scams and using my pictures and voice from casting network auditions I was going.
These people apparently exploited this poor boy out of money, in their romance scams by telling him I was kidnapped and I had COVID and he had to pay cash in order for me to be free. Poor thing thought he was helping me. I told the banks I reported this fraud with Interpol, Danish police and Finnish police in February and to stop harassing me. I had sent them all the relevant information and screen shots with banking information.

I already did I don't know who Kelvin is and why I have to pay ransom money for him. It sounded like Ronald Chimba a black African that was the manager at Ancora restaurant in July 2021.

I said WTF this has to do with me I was not involved in this scam and has no idea what these people where doing for years. I just know people refused to talk to me or be my friend and I never understood why.
Now I know it's all because it the third of my identification by Shannon Neill-Sword and him giving to a prostitute that took over my life. I want this woman charged and I want to go to court. For years, I have always said something was wrong people were always attacking me at work and accusing of being late and telling me to leave and I always said I don't understand why is this happening. I am suicidal and depress no one would talk to me. I move countries and provinces and continents..same old drama. I got treated like shit everywhere I went and by everyone I met.

I want Shannon Neill-Sword charged. These motherfuckers ruin my life, stole my ID papers and presented them as their own. Stole aim card and hacked my devices. I was focused to live a life of poverty and I was struggling to survive.

There is no forgiveness for this, I want to go to court I want these individuals charged for this vile evil thing they have some to me.

So Bambi has apparently been sending our footage of me with the chair, when I was helping out Rosanna trying to imply I stole the chair and gave it to Rosanna. This is how these individuals create hostile work and home environments for me .

These people continue to do me irreparable harm to me. I will not and I refuse to remain silent. The truth will come out and I want all individuals involved in this fraud charged.

I have had to suffer and live a life of poverty, humiliation, threats and abuse and I don't understand why this has happened.

Please schedule my court cases to include the Ontario abuses along with the BC abuses. For all the trauma humiliation and embarrassing you all have put me through.

Silence is not the answer to these controversial issues. I need to know why, I can not die without knowing. I can not live like this without knowing why this has been allowed to happen for 10 years. How could these people keep stealing my identity and credentials and got high paying jobs whilst I was forced to live a life of poverty.

The truth must come out. I was targeted and abused for years and never understood why.

Please tell the truth of the evil you have done.

Who did the prostitute had a child with?
Why are these people still keeping tabs on me?
Why did they poison me continually?
Where they hoping to kill me and have the prostitute take over my identity and hope the truth never came out ?
Where they trying to isolate and frustrate me in hopes that I would kill myself?
I believe the fact that I am still alive speaks to my resilient nature?

We have to find out why they are doing it. It has been happy for over 20years.

I am tired.

Another example of why I can't be friends with people. From the first moment, I met him I was clear, I told Javier(+1 236 971 0003), I just want to be friends.

Then one day he called and tells me his friend/coworker who is a mechanic is looking for a wife and will pay $5,000, if I would marry his friend. Javier also asks if I was Canadian.
I told him his friend could enroll in school or he can sponsor him through his business. He said oh he thought I would be interested and if I needed the money. I explained to Javier I am not interested in marrying anyone and I don't want any money.

On Wednesday, March 15th 2023. Javier texted me and invited me to a "baseball and pizza party" when I arrived there by the Uber he sent to pick me up, it was only him and Tony (604 849 8877). Initially, I though this was "weird" then I thought nothing of it I was like oh at least they are including me. At the end of the evening. When Javier was driving me home I am talking about my struggles and suicidal thoughts and Javier insisted on kissing me in the middle of the sentence and putting his hands where I felt uncomfortable. Here I was trapped in a car with him. At the end of the night I thanked him and the next day I sent him a text explaining how I felt.

I felt that text was not strong enough and I went on to explain to him, that if someone is talking to you about suicide this is not the time to be making passes at them. This is not the time to record yourself disrespecting them and placing it on social media. Even if that person doesn't have social media and would never see it. It's a violation of their privacy and dignity as a person.

This is how much harm these people have done me. I can not be even simple friends with someone. Without them making passes at me and being secretly disrespectful and recording themselves doing so. I do not want this to be my life and even though, I have not seen the video I know that it's out there.

This should not be my life. I am not accepting sorrys anymore. I am going to assume anything, anyone does to me is deliberate and take offense.

Men would always want to say sorry and call their deliberate trespasses a misunderstanding of the situation. However, these people are not sorry, they don't misunderstand the situation. They do it deliberately, someone encouraged Javier to orchestrate this event. People fake friending me and inviting me to fake job interviews has become the normal. My life should not be like this.

This is the year. I put an end to all this nonsense. Everyone would and should be held accountable for their actions.

I told Javier, if he does not respond to me and tell me why he did it or who told him to do it. I would file an official police report and I have. He works at Kook Korean BBQ Restaurant in Burnaby as a server and he has another job selling used cars in the day. He drives a black BMW. Javier apparently also works at Cioffi's Meat Market & Deli on Saturdays in Burnaby.

This has to stop. This is not a coincidence. I want to know who is orchestrating these events and why.


Do you see how these people have set me up and exploited me out of hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years ? Yet, I can not find a safe place to live after moving provinces?

These bad actors stole my ID documents, try to create drama between me and people. Work tirelessly to keep me out of housing and employment. The funny thung is I have committed no crime. Have individuals recording themselves abusing and disrespecting me and placing it on social media. I can not even react negatively to the abuse, I just have to write it down and try and figure out what is going on.

I can't even find a safe place to live. I moved into this place in 1st Nov, 2021. I have always paid my rent on time even though I am hardly ever here.
The other evening, I came in after 9pm and caught her red-handed, she literally had taken the little bit of stuff , I stored in the broom closet, since I move in an placed it in front of my bedroom door. My bedroom door is next to the broom closet.

Then, there are the complaints about droplets of water on the floor when I do cleaning. Again nitpicking making up random stuff.
I have been in this country 10years, I have always paid my bills and taxes on time.

Yet, I can not even find a safe place to live. I have applied for housing for years and never received any, yet people who came after me have received it. Why is that? Yet, here I am again having to look for a new place because once my lease is up, I doubt she would renew. One day she said, I am hoping you would give me notice. I questioned, Why? What have I done?

I called the police because Javier recorded himself disrespecting me and I was scammed out of my hard earned money.

Then she gave away my bikes to the new tenants and she got upset because she had to tell them to return my bike as I was not the phone calling the police to report them stolen. Therefore, she's primarily upset because of what the neighbors may think, as I am always calling the police and I made her feel like an "Indian giver" because she had to tell the new tenants to return my bike.

I am a quiet peaceful person, I do not understand why these people are creating these problems for me. I am mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted by the trauma and abuse. Really, it is too much.

I don't make any noise, I don't have anyone over. I go to fake job interviews orchestrated by these bad actors to be humiliated and abused and to what end?

So many questions.

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