Pepper is Indonesia's Asset in the Past

in #wherein4 years ago

Pepper is one of the assets of Indonesian spices in the past because it was the pepper that invited wealthy merchants from Europe to come to Indonesia to buy pepper because the quality of Indonesian pepper was one of the best so that made many countries look for pepper to Indonesia.

Formerly, Indonesia was rich thanks to the many farmers who initially only planted cassava switched to planting pepper because the income from growing pepper at that time was far greater than planting other spices, making almost the majority of farmers in Indonesia at that time choose to grow pepper.

And now, the price of pepper is also still very high, although not as it used to be because the market demand from pepper is very large and the pepper stock from farmers is very small so this is what makes the price of pepper soar high in the market because of the difficulty in getting pepper stock due to lack of pepper stock which is obtained from farmers today.

The picture that I show above is a picture of the pepper I took in a garden near my house. Initially I just fad to plant the pepper tree because I have never done maintenance, but after 2 years I saw the pepper trees have produced even though not so much.

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