Day 24 Sat...

in #wherein4 years ago

Day 24 Saturday work
I usually have a day off on saturday but today I go to work. I need to work with tutorial video learning for kids. Covid19 has made most teachers work remotely. They do not meet their kids in classroom. Video tutorial is a choice. Though it is time consuming because I am accostumed to create video. I still how to use video editor but it is ok to do the job We should get adapted to the situation.

[WhereIn Android] (


hola) los videos tutoriales me parecen menos efectivos y más tediosos) Espero que pronto podamos volver a la vida normal :)) y por cierto, en tu diario deberías usar más de 300 palabras para describir tu día :) y tus fotos en un formato extraño :)) intenta arreglarlo en el próximo diario, creo que te traerá más placer)) y a mí como lector))

I use wherein app so I can only post photos in one block I can not insert under every story

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