Couples think alike

in #wherein4 years ago

Sometimes, when people say married couple are two-in-one, it is a truth.

I was feeling abit out-of-place, at the same time overwhelmed by current situation at home. Suddenly, I felt like eating 'dimsum' or some 'siumai' to cheer myself up. But, a wish remain wish because I was lazy to bring the boys out together with me, at night, to go hunt for 'dimsum'. Hubby was at work and I didn't want to add somemore 'work' on him if I would ask him to buy.

Guess what?

He came home with two packs of 'dimsum'. He told me while driving home, he just had strong urge needed to buy 'dimsum' for me and the boys. God is so good. There was a new 'dimsum' shop on the way back.

And he bought these!!! 😍 Either he has sixth sense, or angel sent to bring him this message or it is just love magic.

Talking about couples' brain think alike. Hehe. Anyway, I also notice my husband and I do look alike more and more.

We all gladly munched the supper, indeed yummy in the tummy.

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