NOODLE kind of day // Lazy Sunday

in #wherein4 years ago

You know, sometimes as human, we can just be on-the-go, achieve this, accomplish that, getting things done to cross them off our things-to-do list. But at times, we just want to go slow so that we can remember to breathe slower and deeper, fully maximising the lungs' capacity for oxygen absorption.

YES, today is that kind of day. I really feel so sluggish and slow-going and did not feel like cooking the usual three dishes meal. So I whipped out easy lazy noodle meal for all. Youngest son is not feeling well due to his usual post-surgery complications, and after I cooked for him his porridge using anchovies broth, I used the same broth to cook noodle soup for myself.

The eldest and husband were feeling a tad unhealthy tastebud and wanted instant noodle. So here you go, two plates of instant noodle for them. The youngest one could not eat anything at the moment so I tube-fed him the blended porridge I cook earlier.

How about you? How is your Sunday vibes?

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