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RE: Dancing - a powerful health booster and tool on my way to 75 pounds of weight loss, selflove and spiritual growth

in #wheightloss7 years ago

This sounds like the best idea ever :D I totally want to do so!! :D
Aaaaw I am so happy to meet you one day in real life!! I must hug you! :D
God bless you too my dear Cookie-Sister and SPPB :D Have a blessed and amazing day :)<3


It really does sound fantastic and fun. :D I look forward to meeting some day. :D We will definitely get a good hug or two in when it happens. :D
God bless you my Cookie-Sister and SPPB. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Aaaaaw I am looking really forward to that day! :) And I'll bring you some cookies of course :D
God bless you too my awesome and fabulous friend, Cookie-Sister and SPPB! :D <3 Thank you, have an awesome day too and stay fabulous! :) <3

It will be such a fun day when it happens! I feel bad for our cheeks though, they're going to get so sore from the grinning. :D LOL. :D Yummy, I bet you bake really well. :D I'm not a great baker or cook but I've gotten better since we moved here to our little bit of heaven. :D
You are such a beautiful soul, hugs to you my SPPB! :D God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous Cookie-Sister! :D

Aaaaawe yay, I am dancing happyly now as I read your comment :D <3
Thank you so much for your lovely words!! Hahahaha, I guess our cheeks are going to quit their jobs after our party LOL! :D
Aw, thank you, I hope I am a good baker! :) At leat I love baking! :)

I am sure you are a great baker and cook my lovely and fabulous Cookie-Sister! :-*
And your home truely is a piece of heaven <3

Aaaaaaw thank you so, so, so much!!! This means a lot to me! You are such a beautiful soul too my lovely Cookie-Sister and SPPB!!! :) <3
You really are one of my favourite human beings as I just love your personality and humor! You're the best!!! :D <3 It's so wonderful and such a honor to have you here! <3

God bless you and your amazing family! Have a marvellous day my fabulous Cookie-Sister <3

You are good for me. :D You always make me smile. :D I never learned to cook when I was younger. They even kicked me out of the home ec cooking classes because I burnt a pot of water. Yes I was that bad. :D They sent me to wood shop and metal shop instead. :D LOL. :D
I really look forward to meeting you in person some day. :D We will have to get together on Discord to voice chat so we can see if we sound like what we picture each other sounding like in our heads my fantastic SPPB. :D
God bless you my Cookie-Sister. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Aaaaaaw how nice to read, as you always make me smile too and you are so good for me :D <3

Hahahahaha your story about the cooking class killed me :D Thank you so much for sharing! Made my day :D You are such a funny soul, I just love your personality my fabulous Cookie-Sister!! :D <3

Oh yeeeees, I am looking forward to meet you in person, too!!! This is definately one of my life goals! You are so amazing!! <3
The idea about the voice record is amazing!! :) :) :) I would love to know how my awesome SPPB sounds like!! :) <3 <3 <3

God bless you too my lovely Cookie-Sister and SPPB! Have an awesome day, too! :-*

I'm glad I can make you smile and that my horrible cooking skills can give you a laugh. I've improved a bit since we moved here and I retired, but I wouldn't attempt something new without seeing it done a few times first for fear of how horrible it would turn out. I still can't make a nice biscuit or dinner roll, they always turn out harder than hockey pucks. My husband doesn't even ask me to try to make them anymore, poor guy. :D
We need to figure out the time difference between us and set a time to chat on Discord. :D It will be a hoot to have a chat between Cookie-Sisters! :D We could exchange recipes and cooking stories while our puppy dogs bark at all the vehicles or birds they see outside and so much more.
God bless you my fabulous SPPB. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Hahahahahaha oh my god, I am dying from laughing here :D
And I don't laugh about you or mean it in a bad way. It's just so funny how you describe your skills and the thing about the hockey puck biscuit dinner roll just killed me LOL!!!! :D
I just appreciate and love your humor so much :D

Oh yesss!!! That would be AMAZING!!!

I live in Rostock/Germany maybe you can find out the time difference to your town or city in the internet :)

I don't know Discord yet, so I need to change that! :)
Chatting with you sound like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun my dear Cookie-Sister!!!! <3
My husband came home frome work telling me (we talk about this wish we share everyday) that he really wants to go to Canada and I was like: "Oh my god, YES! We NEED to go there, I need to visit @frostyamber, I am just such a HUGE fan of this amazing soul!!! :D" And then I started telling him about our party plans and being Cookie-Sisters and all that stuff and he smiled and was so happy about my enthusiasm :D
We really need to chat and share some cool recipes, stories and more :D
I am so excited to do so! :)

God bless you too my fabulour Cookie-Sister and SPPB! :-* <3
Have an awesome day! :D

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