What would you say? My message for the world. The universe is a paradox.

Greetings my fellow Earthers. Welcome to the age of fission. The time has come! For we are over 7 complete rotations around the sun post apocalyptic. Our futures are grim. There isn't much time left. I want you to know what I know. More importantly, I want you to accept what you will now know after I am done telling you. Truth be told, I'm not going to tell you anything you don't already know. I'm just going to assure you that these things are and have been happening. It is your choice to change your life or remain willfully ignorant. For you can't change your life until you change your mind.


If this picture above isn't enough to make you change your life I don't know what will. Here it is you all are just worried for the collapse and the zombie apocalypse. None of that compares to how bad things really are, and how much worse they are going to continue to get. I don't know whether to be horrified or to rejoice. What I mean by this is the universe is a paradox. A pendulum swinging side to side. One side, I am deeply horrified to the point that I'm petrified because we've all been given a genocidal death sentence? the other side, I want to rejoice because now it means party time!!! Riot and raise Hell because we now have a reason to live everyday as if it is our last. Let's lynch these mother fuckers for doing this to us and then party till we all die from radiation. If the radiation doesn't kill us, our corporate fascist governments are.


Or, we can release one of Tesla's inventions and clean up this mess before we all die?

Think about it... The head CEO of Nestle in his own words has said that, "Water is not a basic human right." A few years after Fukushima, Dr. Wayne Dyer, one of the most healthiest men on the planet gets cancer and dies in Hawaii. Now after 7 years over 90% of the Pacific Ocean is fucking dead! Seven species of bees have made the endangered species list. The sea lions in California have AML Leukemia and are attacking people because they are hungry and starving to death. This is the worst crime ever to take place in our human history. Not to mention the chemtrails, oil spills, Big Pharma, Monsanto, and HAARP. Seriously we're PHUCT!!! And "fucked" is spelled P-H-U-C-T because that is how PHUCT we are. Even our grammaar is mutating LOL. So who is ready to start lynching some mother fuckers!? I sure as Hell am ready too.

The Universe is a paradox. Everything and nothing at the same time. Horton Hears A Who. Infinitely big and infinitely small at the same time. The best example I have that would explain this is snowflakes. Yes, the snowflakes (Not the kind of snowflakes that march against freedom). For it is a proven fact that no two snowflakes are alike. Well then if no two snowflakes are alike then how come they are ALL hexagrams? We are all different yet part of the same reality. In this reality we are having a human experience. So don't be a snowflake, be a snowflake.

dalai lama.jpg

It is irony really. What is irony!? a fucking paradox. Murphy's Law. The exact opposite. Two sides. A balanced duality. Mother, father, male, female. That was Zen this is Tao. What is Zen? Zen is nothingness. It doesn't exist. Then how can we have knowledge of it? We can't have knowledge of something if it doesn't exist. Then it becomes a lie. So are you living a lie or the truth? There is no future, there is no past. There is only now. The power of NOW. Be here NOW.

You have to play the role of a fool to fool the fool who is trying to fool you. The jester laughs because the world is full of fools. I try to lead by example. Be a good teacher. The more you hate your teacher the more you will learn. Another metaphor that I like to use is being a conductor. To be a good conductor one must turn his back on the crowd. More paradoxical irony. What does it mean to turn your back on the crowd? To turn against switching sides. Getting in societies face. For without the rain there can be no rainbow. And I am the all rainbow wearing dipshit getting right in societies face with the TRUTH. Which is why I call my political party the TRUTH party. For a good friend tells you the truth whether you want to hear it or not. And the truth is there is NO truth. Everything and nothing at the same time. The ultimate paradox. Which is why I say that, "I think so far outside the box that I fail to realize that I am still indeed trapped inside a box." Which is why they say don't live in the know, live in the mystery. For we don't know what we don't know. Which is why they say the only philosophical question that matters is whether or not to commit suicide. And many a great thinking men have blown their heads off at coming to this epic conclusion. But he had not been a doing a great deal of thinking when committing such action did he? The paradox. More like, what a dumb ass!!!

Actions speak louder then Steemit blogs. Leading by example means committing such actions. For knowing everything I have said so far has made me a Conscientious Objector. Being one individual person, one individual snowflake, in this massive blizzard known as reality, I refuse to fall to the ground with the rest of the other snowflakes. What happens when you fall to the ground like the rest of the snowflakes? You end up marching on the ground in the streets against your rights and freedoms to be snowflakes. FUCK THAT!!! I'm soaring up high with the eagles getting the fuck out of this shit storm. And I would like to take as many of you other patriots, free thinkers, and conscientious objectors with me that I can. For I'd like to think that we are much smarter then this folks. We can change our reality. I know I certainly do. I hate knowing that we have to accept being given this genocidal death sentence.

So join the TRUTH party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party.
Stay free govern yourself.
Do no harm but stand your ground.

Welcome to the NEW West!!!

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