#WhatsCookingChallenge Beef Olives on a bed of Baby Spinach and Rice, served with Carrots and Baby Corn

❤ Ola Foodies ❤

The other morning we went out for breakfast and after stuffing our faces, I had to go and do grocery shopping for that nights dinner - which is honestly, like the worst time to go food shopping. I was so full and all I wanted to do was crawl under a blanket and sleep lol! So I was wandering around the meat department like a lost puppy, completely clueless and grossly uninspired...

Then I spotted something on the beef racks. Something I have heard of before, but seldom see on the shelf ready-made and have also not made before, so I thought... ok, why not. Lets give it a go and hopefully be a little more enthusiastic by the time late afternoon rolled around haha!

#WhatsCookingChallenge Beef Olives on a bed of Baby Spinach and Rice, served with Carrots and Baby Corn


These particular beef olives were already made, so we actually had no idea how they were going to taste. Next time, I would like to try my hand at actually putting them together myself... and I quite like the Jamie Oliver idea of putting bacon inside. Anything with bacon is a win! haha :) Essentially a beef olive is rolled and stuffed steak. These were stuffed with a pork mince, but essentially, I suppose you could stuff them with whatever you wanted.



The Essentials

A pack of ready made beef olives (or the ingredients to make them yourself.)
Four or five large carrots, peeled or unpeeled (I never peel them anymore.)
Two onions, peeled and sliced.
Approx. 300 - 400 ml of beef or chicken stock (I prefer chicken)
Approx. One cup of red wine.


Ok so, get the carrots washed and peel them if you plan to.
I don't, because - well.... I see no point and I am lazy! haha!
Also, to be honest, I prefer the look of "whole veg" in food.

I am one also one of those horrible mothers,
that makes her child eat the ends of the carrots,
the skin of the butternut and gem squash,
does not and NEVER has peeled his apples,
and makes him eat the end of the bananas...

I have digressed....lol

Peel and chop your onions.


Heat a deep pan with some olive oil,
add your beef olives and braise them, until golden.


Then remove them from the pan and put them one side.
Add the onions and the whole carrots
and fry the them until really nice and browned.


Place your beef olives back into the pan
and then add your stock
and the wine.



You can then turn the heat down,
pop the lid back on
and let them cook slowly for approx. 2.5 hrs.

While that was busy,
I had decided to add some baby corn to the plate,
and thought a little "flash fry" would be good.



And that is pretty much it!
Once the beef olives are done of course.

In this instance, I decided to keep the plate really simple.
I served it on a bed of fresh baby spinach leaves
and a round of basmati rice.

To my knowledge,
this would traditionally be served with some creamy mash,
or even just thickly sliced bread and butter.



Considering that the beef olives were bought ready made,
I was actually pleasantly surprised at how tasty the filling was,
as sometimes, store bought stuff like that can be rather bland.

I will definitely make these again,
they were great,
but as I say - next time I will definitely
make up the beef olives myself.


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Another delicious looking dinner sensation! What a wonderful presentation! But ooops another chutney free meal!!! hahaha! I have no idea what beef olives are, but they look tasty.

hehehe thanks @rwedegis :) Tonights post has chutney in it hahahaha :P
Beef olives are rolled steak stuffed with pork mince and sometimes bacon and other interesting goodies :)

Thank you for the info! My vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds! hahaha! I'm thinking of doing a version of bangers and mash tonight. Fear not! There will be no instant mash! hahaha! I am looking forward to seeing what Mrs Ball's will be in tonight!

And I, to see your bangers and mash ;) Enjoy it @rwedegis... it is the best comfort food for sure :)

The cuisine is presented simply ... but looks good

Thank you very much :)

The baby corn disqualified due to over burn. 😜 The carrot should be chopped into pieces. It's my first time seeing someone put the whole carrot into cooking. 😆 The main thing is the pork mince...how was the taste? 🙈

hahahahaha @legendchew - The corn is supposed to look like that lol - that is what flash frying does :) and the carrots are also supposed to be whole hehehehe... and the pork was amazing!!! ;)

Reasonable respond then is a perfect dish! Wish I could have a bite of it. 😋

Good combination of different food recipes makes great meal.
And this meal is one of them. @jaynie

Thank you :)

@jaynie I love corns and carrots! But haven't heard of beef olives. :) I'm curious about it.Is it a beef marinated with olives? lOl Great post again beautie! XOXO :-*Cheers!

There are actually no olives in it at all :) It is pork mince wrapped in beef steak :) The name is just a British term for wrapping meat around some kind of stuffing.

Glad you liked it.... you should give it a go xxx

ha ha, I stayed away from your yummy all weekend, but here I am again., :)
it looks really good, I can even smell it.
A great option and I like all the components here. Thank you for the delicious pictures.

hehehehe Glad you enjoyed it @madlenfox :) Thank you for the lovely compliment.

Lol @madlenfox I can smell it too. It looks delicious and am a sucker for corn. You certainly know how to give yourself a treat @Jaynie

hehehehe thanks :)

Never tried it or even seen it to be honest @jaynie. But looks really
delicious :)

It sure was @robertandrew, thank you :)

Thanks @claudiaz :) It was :)

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