What If Challenge : Mickey Mouse as Prime Minister of Singapore (Round 2)

in #whatifchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Hi @liewsc, I am taking up your challenge in your 'what if' post.


It would be less fun with the designation as 'President' because in Singapore a President has limited powers, more of it rests on the Prime Minister just like any other Commonwealth countries. The designation 'President' exists because Singapore is a Republic. Noone remembers Wee Kim Wee (former President) but everyone knows Lee Kuan Yew and now Lee Hsien Loong.

So, I give it a slight twist ya...

Mickey's First Day

Mickey walked into his office in Orchard Road after having his 'prata' and 'teh tarik' at the local Mamak joint. He wished it taste as good as 'Roti Canai' but well, you can't have the best of both worlds, can you? Singapore has the better economy and Malaysia has much, much better food. It was a hard fought election but Mickey with his promise to build Disneyland to replace the Casinos in Sentosa Island got the majority of the Singaporeans excited. They are tired of the gambling and they want some real fun, Disney style fun!


Mickey was a little excited because he has some huge plans. With the hype over the MIchelin star award, finally Singapore is going to make some headway in the food department. Mickey was a bit tired of being rated second best after Malaysia in this category...somehow the sense of competitiveness is boiling over (kiasu) when it comes to comparing the two neighbours.


As soon as Mickey was walking into his swanky office in Orchard Road, he was greeted by his Deputy Prime Minister,

'Mr. Prime Minister, we have another blow up in the social media. Another local has fought with some 'ang mo' (white skinned foreigners) in the MRT again. Now they are saying Singapore is no longer safe for expats. Damn 'jia lat' (dire state) now. How arr?'

Mickey was scratching his head. He has never faced a facebook blow up phenomenon before. He knows that Singaporeans are very much about the storm in the teacup, but he has to deal with it.

'Tell them that I will call for a press conference and tell them about how our economy has been rewarding our partners in economy especially our 'ang moh' friends. After that I will speak about the Bungalow in Oxley Road. That way we can divert their attention from facebook.'


The Challenge Ahead

Mickey has a busy morning in his office. He got a call from Trump complaining about how China is eating into the American economy and how Jack Ma made him look stupid. After that, he got a call from Putin asking if Singapore will recognise Ethereum and show some love for Butelik's genius. Mickey was confused, he hardly even made it as the sorceror's apprentice and now Putin wants to talk to him about blockchain. Mickey is mind blown. He needs a break.


He gave a call to his right hand man, Donald Duck.

'Hey Donald, I lets go have some duck rice in Geyland?'


Donald was livid.

'Duck rice? Are you kidding me? &^%^%^# (nsfw)'

'Si Mi Tai Chi?' Mickey remained oblivious (means 'what is the matter' in Hokkien)

Oh, oh, finally it dawned upon Mickey. Looks like its going to be porridge in Geylang. They arrived in Geylang and immediately, a pimp not knowing that Mickey is the new Prime Minister, gave him a piece of paper that reads,

'For a good time, call Mike. Vietnamese, Chinese, Russian and Pakistani available'

Mickey was confused. What did that guy mean by 'a good time?' Anyway, he was too hungry. They went for their porridge thought of giving the MRT a try to rate the public transportation system.


Little did the Prime Minister realise that the MRT station is filled with so many 'Sui Char Bo' (beautiful girls) but he has his heart fixed on Minnie. They had it way back in Walt first introduced them. He ain't leaving her for a Singaporean girl. Mickey was looking around and every kid and adult was glued to their handphones. It is like society of zombies. Eyes all glued either watching Youtube or busy texting. This is not right. What happened to good old conversation about the weather and politics?


Just too much work trying to convince Singaporeans to drop their handphones. Shelve that thought for another day.

Collaboration with @sireh

Mickey was a little excited. He heard of @sireh from #steem-cartoon and he wanted to have a youth awareness campaign. Being from the cartoon and animation industry, Mickey knows what it is like and @sireh seems to be the man. Let's plan a Music and Art festival he thought. Would be so cool afterall, @sireh is quite a charmer with the ladies and he can attract the kids to start drawing instead of being glued to their phones. That would be good for the creative community in Singapore.


Prime Minister Mickey was very excited. He was thinking how Disney can be involved. It will be like a full feature animation that will hit the cinemas like how Frozen has inspired many little girls to dress up like Elsa.

Mickey went back to his office and sat on his executive leather chair and a call came in.

'Prime Minister Mickey, its President Trump again. I am thinking of going back to show business, this President thingy is getting a bit boring for me. I want to fire people but they say I must be tactful like Obama. I hate this shit!'

'Chill bro, hang in there. I warned you when you were running for President. Told you WWE suits you better, but no, big boy here wants to save America. Now Hillary is laughing at you.'

'Stay calm bro, stay away from arguing with Putin or Xi Jinping. I will come and give you some Disney magic. I am also pretty tired on my first day of work'

Mickey took a private flight but was back by the next day to another 'Ang Moh in MRT episode'.


credit to @zomagic



Very interesting post and nice images. Thanks for that.

Had a great laugh ! 🤣 can’t believe you linked that to @sireh 😂😂

Play me a baby shark...😎😎

Lol 😂😂😂😂😂 @sireh senang dpt project singapore lepas nih 😂😂😂

Jom kita lobi dana kartun.

Wahhh... collabs with Mickey the new appointed Singaporean President?
I'm on... Let's do it... hahaha!

Yes...Disney scale collab. Yeehaw...🤣

LOL ...wth did i just read xD

Cerita shiok sendiri....😎😎😎


Something different, refreshing change!

Next we try something crazier...😆

Your 'what if' post had me in stitches! What a creative way of putting it, great storyline! Enjoyed it 😄

Glad it made u laugh...that the main aim...the second aim is to poke Donald in the wrong way.