What Is The Best Upvoting Bot Service You Have Used?

in #what-qa6 years ago (edited)

Question: What Is The Best Upvoting Bot Service You Have Used?

I use Bid-Bots and other upvoting bot services to boost my posts. I always try to get at least 2x return on my investments including liquid and non-liquid currencies. My favorite ones are @minnowbooster and @smartsteem. Which ones are your favorites and why?

Posted on What - Q&A App on the STEEM Blockchain


I use @minnowbooster occasionally and @resteem.bot for just for more viewers.

I think I personally like @upme but otherwise bidbots like @Appreciator and @buildawhale have high upvote amounts.
Just depends on the number of steemians bidding for upvotes in a particular round and the highest bid for the round.

I personally think @megabot is pretty great.

I will have a look at it @urbangladiator. Thanks, I didn't know about it.

🎁* Big Offer get it befoer Run out !🎁

  • Limited offer for limited people.
    Get $0.10 upvote for 7 days on your every new post you make.
    and eveyday random 1 person will get $10 upvote.

We have exclusive cheap plan for everyone. Visit our site to learn more and join the limited time offer at: CLICK HERE TO JOIN AND MORE INFO


(RandoHealer has healed this post because your blog was targeted for healing due to malicious downvotes!)

Hi @hungryhustle
Excellent article. I subscribed to your blog. I will follow your news.
I will be grateful if you subscribe to my blog @user2627
Good luck to you!

Be advised @hungryhustle, @user2627 has been positively identified as a comment spammer. They are attempting to trick users like you into upvoting them with insincere comments. Please, refrain from upvoting them but we highly encouraging giving them a good flagging. Once my voting power is recharged, they will be dealt with more decisevely.Tagging @steemflagrewards for future flagging action. Thank you for your time!

Flagged for comment spam @steemflagrewards

Steem Flag Rewards mention comment has been approved! Thank you for reporting this abuse,@hungryhustle categorized as comment spam. This post was submitted via our Discord Community channel. Check us out on the following link!
SFR Discord

Hello @user2627.
First rule on Steemit:

  • You do not ask someone so bluntly to follow your own blog.

Second rule:

  • You do not ask someone to follow your own blog.

Third rule:

  • You do not post such comment where you write such unthoughful comment where you right "Excellent Article" or "I follow you. You follow me" or "Good luck" etc.

He's been warned already. My voting power is low but would encourage you to flag him. I have a bot on him already to warn others he attempts to scam with the spam.

I you would like an easy upvote. Drop him a flag and state "Flagged for comment spam @steemflagrewards". We have a Discord that appropriates rewards to those that help to fight abuse like this. Thanks for attempting to engage them. Seems like they may be running a script to facilitate the spam.

They will be dealt with accordingly.

Used my full voting power to hit the scumbag spammer. I hate spamming as much as I hate waking up early in the morning. :-D

Thank you so much @anthonyadavisii. I just check his comment section and it is full of such similar comments. They are definitely running a script because each account is tagged on their comment. Posting every 2-3 min. This behavior on Steemit makes me so furious.

Yeah, hopefully, @neutralizer intercepts some of the unwary ones that would have otherwise given an upvote. I've decided one of the best tools we have against bad automation is good automation.

As I go, the method gets more sophisticated. If you really really hate spam and want to be part of our decentralized and incentivized moderation efforts against it, here's our discord link.


You'll be in good company.

Awesome! Joining in right away and ready to help in any way I can. Upvoting @neutralizer as well to support your cause. Good Automation and Manual Flagging against spam will make this a better place definitely. Thank you for making such efforts to clean the community. Cheers buddy :-)


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