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RE: How to get a 100% whale vote on your post: use Whaleshares! A SteemGig Contest entry

in #whaleshares7 years ago

I disagree with this whole thing. Paying Whales to promote your articles?

What happened to things competing on relative merit?

Why turn Steemit into a pay-for-eyeballs enterprise? I can just go on Facebook and get ads to do that. I shouldn't have to revert to that behavior here.

It just seems dishonest and artificial to me. Just like regurgitating old posts under the guise of them being "new". If you are creative, you don't need these tricks, you just post things that are worthwhile and original.

It saddens me to see this kind of thing, honestly.


Leaving other reasons aside, post boosters solve an important problem. When a newcomer writes an elaborated post putting her entire soul and many hours of work into it and gets a few cents, it hurts. On the other side, getting a few dollars, even of you've put some into it before, feels if not worth then at least reasonable, because facebook pays nothing anyway.

I know I'm new, but someone can vote on a post at any time after its created, correct?

If someone is consistent in posting quality content, doesn't that yield followers who then check what else that person has been up to?

I don't understand why getting money up front should be the motivation. That seems counter to the overall message I've been reading about "don't concentrate on the money as a beginner" that I see posted everywhere.

You either believe in your posts, or you don't.

Using something to pump up their visibility is just dishonest trickery. Let it rise or fall on its own merits.

When you are new, you don't have much visibility. People would be glad to upvote you if you create good content, but they can't know your're there. That's why an initial boost is important. If one has not much friends on Steemit and doesn't want to play the "vote2vote" game, then boosting is definitely an option to get some initial visibility.

But "purchased" votes can be put on anything. Someone could write a 2 sentence post, then just pay a bunch of people to vote on it, massively increasing the payout, whether it deserves it or not.

Looking at the comments on this post, I'd say there are far too many of these "paid voting services" as you've got what? FIVE? SIX? And this post has earned $37 in less than a day for it.

I feel it discourages those of us who are putting out consistently good content and not paying people to vote. VP is more precious after HF19, so are all the whales just gonna start selling it? Gotta say I side with @talltim on this one.

@thatsweeneyguy I am experimenting with post boosters to compare the results. I'm not a minnow outside Steemit and 38 dollars isn't something I am chasing for)

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