Dammit, Frank! A Witness account on Whaleshares - day 16 MAC

in #whaleshares6 years ago

It's a term of endearment and one of my favorite phrases especially when referring to my good friend @lexikon082

We've been conspiring to launch a few projects together and one has come to fruition!

Introducing our witness account on the Whaleshares blockchain.

Let me give you the low down of what happened yesterday and why I missed two stinkin', measly days, effectively shooting down any chance of achieving the Monthly Author Badge this month.

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For days we were trying to figure out why we couldn't sync to the Whaleshares blockchain. Seems we were doing everything right but, like most things, it's a little detail that throws a kink in the works. Turns out we were trying to run an older version of the cli_wallet and whaled which eventually failed when we reached a certain point on the chain.

Dammit, Frank!

So here it was, Friday night and we were on Discord getting ready to make a breakthrough. I looked at the clock and it's 11:30 PM; 30 minutes to write a quick story and stay on track...

Dammit, Frank! I chose to stay with my wingman and sacrificed the badge.

Our server was syncing and just reaching the point where it historically failed and...

Holy crap, it's still going!

Go Go GO!

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The feeling of elation that we'd gotten this far was pretty amazing. Neither one of us could sleep as we poured over documents and sites to double check our work. I didn't go to bed until about 9 in the morning. Yeah, Frank and I basically watched the witness schedule until the sun came up hoping that everything was correct and that we would be in line to sign a block.

And then it failed

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At 2 AM my own snoring woke me out of a drool puddle on my desk. I had fallen asleep at my desk waiting and hoping for a breakthrough. We did not want to miss another block when it came our way!

first block

second block!

Did I mention that Frank is a damned beast? He's like a hungry dog with a dinosaur bone. @lexikon082 dug deep, guys! He dove into the server and we finally we signed our first block as lexiwitness!

We've both got our eyes peeled on the Whaleshares Witness Schedule because one block could be a fluke; two blocks means we did it!

Dammit, Frank, we freakin' did it!


I'd like to give an extra special shout out to @chronocrypto who went above and beyond to help us get this far and took the time to check in on us. That is everything. Thank you.



This is excellent news, congratulations my friends! 👍❤

Posted using Partiko Android

After looking into this a little bit, another comment...

I don't know how I missed all this info about WhaleShares! I guess I've been busy with Partiko and actifit and all the new EOS dApps springing up, and completely missed the boat on this. Or maybe there is going to be a new sign up period since once just closed on the 15th. I'm going to catch up and understand what's happening on Whaleshares! :) I know I have 21 WhaleShares and 55 BeyondBits on OpenLedger so its been on my radar, just not lately. I dropped the ball!

Hey @kenny-crane - I was really surprised that I didn't see you over there already. I've been looking for familiar faces to connect with - but you definitely didn't drop the ball.

Frank and I have been neck deep in getting everything prepped for the stuff we want to do as a witness. We're just starting realize the true weight of responsibility for being a witness.

To my knowledge, there are 2 ways to join:

And here's a link that has more info: https://whaleshares.info/
I really hope to see you there! Lots of Steemit people and a really cool cross-posting tool (that I haven't tried yet) https://masdacs.io/crossposting

Haha. We embraced the suck. What a huge responsibility we have embraced! This is going to a fun ride.

I think I'm going to celebrate with a nap. We've had a rough week!
Dammit, Frank, we're doing this thing!

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