This whale thing is a bit ridiculous!

in #whales8 years ago (edited)

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Lately, I haven't been getting much for my posts. This is NOT a complaint, just a little observation. I am still very happy with Steemit. I am happy to even make a couple dollars here and there from just posting things online. Here is what was a little ridiculous. Check out how much this post made me with only 48 upvotes (note that it didn't even have any comments when it hit about $70):

Now look at this recent post with over twice as many upvotes:

The only conclusion that I can make out of this is that I HAVE to get a whale or two to upvote my post if I want to make anything more than a couple of bucks... That means that the only working marketing strategy besides getting 1000+ upvotes is to base your posts on what whales want to see... I read about people complaining about the inequality all the time. I am starting to really see that now! This is just an observation though; I still plan on steeming as normal with no submission of any sort to whale-agenda! I'm not here to kiss ass! My page is steadily growing, and that is awesome in itself.


Jep. Get your point, Charlie.
Yet its just like in "real life" - some people are more influential than others.

Friends told me about Steem and its exciting dynamics.
And the first thing they told me is never to do anything for the dollars.
They are like whales, the real ones and believe me I saw a couple of them out there.
Always nice to see them, glad to get some attention for them. Better not to get into trouble with them.
But you can only expect to get close when you are in some hotspot they are interested in.

Don't forget that when you notice many votes appearing in a row, some of those might be in a curation trail following the first voter.

But its true that if not a bigger user votes, it won't raise the value too much. But with time and balanced distribution this will get divided more evenly eventually.

It would be fun if this post would be upvoted by some whale )

Haha! He would leave a comment too, "Enjoy my wake you little minnows!"

Smaller minnows that used to get a few $ are now getting nothing. Me thinks the push for "better content" will result in less inclusion. It's like they want Steem to be an online article site, instead of a better facebook.

And, curation returns little reward these days.

Did you just quote Jar Jar?

"Methinks" originally comes from Shakespeare, as in "Methinks the lady doth protest too much".

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