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RE: Top Crypto Hater Facebook in trouble due to Data Misuse: Karma in action?

in #whalepower6 years ago

Notice the timing of the cartel banding together: just on the even of the Chinese Petrol Yuan Futures release!

As usual, the clique takes the true karmic dynamic (their causal actions) and attempts to portray the victims who face the immediate results as the villains in the usual propaganda narrative sleight.

All of it is completely predictable from politician, lobbyist, and bankster greed: fake inflation of the economy through stock buy-backs (hot air vs bricks and mortar equity asset value increases), 2008 GFC robbery of millions, Citizens United, and utter and complete failure to reform and instead full mobilization of every effort to normalize and legalize what were previously illegal confict of interest relations.

Neither global economic players (BRICS bank, petroyuans etc), nor the general population want to participate any more in the naked emperor's game. All the cryptocurrencies and petro yuans translate into one clear message: Complete and utter lack of confidence in FED, US finance, and Wall Street!

But will they accept the truth of their causal roles in this mess? NO! Instead, they blame everyone else. It is as if the whole establishment has drunk the same koolaid as the DNC: never admit failure and therefore make it impossible to consider why by peddling authoritarianism and censorship!


directional protector lhasa jokhang.jpg

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