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RE: Home Alone - We-Write #11

in #wewrite5 years ago

I got carried away! When I read the title, I remembered "Kevin" in the famous movie, and the chaos that occured when he was left home alone. So I got excited reading this. Yours is a story that is a sad reality, that can really happen in real life because of having bad associates! 😢

This opened my eyes to reitirate on our child how dangerous it is to hang out with friends of your friend, whom you do not know. And to be very careful to let in a stranger in your house!!! 😭😭😭 Oh dear. Terrible!

But thank you for this story. It taught me a lot. (Even if I know that this is just a product of your awesome imagination. Hehehe!)

Thank you once again. Great job!!! 💕


This is a fictional story and maybe I've exaggerated a little bit to give more drama, but the bad company of our kids can bring bad situations into our lives, maybe not to such an extreme as in my story (and I hope definitely not) but enough to create serious problems.

Yes, I absolutely agree. Even fictional stories can one way or another give a moral lesson on how we should live in real life!

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