We-Write #4: The Storm + Last Week's Winner Announced!

in #wewrite5 years ago (edited)


@Zeldacroft here! We-Writes are easy, fun opportunities to write and win PRIZES. You can expect a WE-Write prompt every Monday, where we'll also announce last week's winner. Speaking of which...

Last Week's Winner

Many thanks to all of last week's writers, @mgaft1, @sarez, @kaerpediem, @free-reign, @owasco, @felixgarciap, @scribblingramma! A couple of you missed the deadline of 7pm EDT, but you lucked out since I hadn't drawn a winner yet. Just keep it in mind for this week 😉 You can find this week's prompt further down, but first let's spin the wheel!
week 3.gif

Congratulations @mgaft1!!! Your SBI will be sent shortly!

The Prize: 5 SBI Sponsored by @ntowl

100% Upvotes from the FreeWrite House for All Entries


What is a We-Write?

If this is your first time coming across a WE-Write post, have no fear! It's all quite simple.

Every Monday we'll give you the beginning of a story. Use that beginning and keep writing. Most people do the 5-minute freewrite method, but a little longer is okay, too.

Then, publish it as a post with a link to this post AND drop a link to your post in the comments below this one. To be eligible to win you must comment on this post with a link to your entry.

Or, you may publish your story as a comment to this post.


How Do You Win?

Each week the winner will be chosen randomly from the entries. The deadline for entering is Sunday night at 7:00pm EDT, aka the same timezone as Boston, USA.

The announcement will be made the following day in the post for the next week's prompt! If you're the winner, @ntowl will send you your SBI then. 😊


This Week's Prompt

The clattering of the tea cup against its saucer rang through the formal living room. Its hand-painted periwinkles and gold leaf rim were normally safe in the hands of the Countess, but today the cup chattered in unsettling clinks. The noise disturbed the Countess’ attempts at composure, so she placed the china safely on the glass table before her. As she did so, the door opened suddenly, making her jump farther back on the silk settee.

“George, must you enter so frighteningly quickly?” She accosted the man, who remained by the doorway.

“My apologies, your ladyship. I will do my best to be less…frightening, in the future.” The butler gave a small smile, to which the Countess responded with a relieved chuckle. Taking her laughter as forgiveness, he walked into the well-decorated space.

“I suppose it’s just this storm that has me on edge,” she confessed, with a brief glimpse to the ever-darkening scene beyond the window’s delicate frame. From their place on the hill, they could ordinarily see a small town in the distance, with vibrant green mountains beyond that. But today all charm was washed out in the sea of deepening purples, grays, and blacks descending into the valley. The Countess had watched as it grew closer, as the rumbles became roars, until it was too much for her to take.

“I thought your ladyship might wish to know that there has been a letter from town,” George ventured. The Countess perked up at the news, and eagerly took the envelope from his gloved hands. He continued, “Your brother has decided to wait out the storm at his office. He feels, and I must agree, that it would be too dangerous to ride back in such weather.”

“At least he’s indoors,” she sighed, “though I do feel he’d be safer here.”

“I understand your fears,” he comforted, “but all storms must—” A flash of light burst into the room, accompanied by a thunderous boom. The china rattled on the table, and the pair felt the very floor beneath them shake. It was enough to crack George’s professionalism into a primal fear, a fear reflected in the Countess’ eyes.

So what happens next is up to you! I'm really looking forward to reading your continuations. If you choose to make your own posts, please use some type of delineation between the prompt and your writing, whether that's dashes, or just stating "Here's my bit:".

As always, any resteems and upvotes will be eternally appreciated (but aren't necessary for the contest or anything). Let's spread the word and get writing!


I need your help, We-Writers!

I've been thinking lately of ways to possibly make this contest more engaging, or to at least add a little variance to it. I have a few ideas but I think it'd be best to start with a classic challenge here at Freewrite House.

If you're familiar with the last time we-writes ran, you know that sometimes there would be partner weeks. This was when you all could partner up and share a story. I would give a short prompt like a word or sentence, and then one partner would write the beginning, and the other the ending.

So my question to you, dear writers, is would you be interested in that sort of We-Write? I'm thinking we could do it once a month, with the other weeks being what we've done so far. Please vote here, but feel free to also leave a comment on this post.

For daily freewrite inspiration, be sure to follow @mariannewest for prompts!


Your SBI shares have been sent @mgaft1! I added a share for being so late in sending. Congrats on winning!

Thank you! That's very generous of you!

Congratulations @mgaft1. Greeting.

Wow! Thank you! Once in a while, lady luck serves the cards in my favor. )))

Congrats @mgaft!

@Zeldacroft I'm new to wewrites and am loving them as is. But I see the need to get more engagement too. hm

I'm glad you're enjoying them! Thanks for the feedback👍

Thank you! What does "hm" means?

it is the sound one makes when one is thinking.

I can only imagine how many "hms" Einstein made. )

Ha ha ha ha ha!! Great thought!

I missed the deadline for this week's we-write, but wanted to leave input as requested. I think it would be fun to partner up with people once a month to do we-writes that way.

To comes up with the circumstances for this story isn't difficult but to maintain the china thin delicacy of constructed speech is very hard. I just watched some chunks of Pride and Prejudice on Youtube and, oh boy, what a complex way to express simple thoughts they employed back then! )))

"You are the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry"

Ha! I'm so glad we've "evolved".

Yes, but the prompted story seems to be placed at around that time ( the beginning of the nineteenth century) and for a "friking ferner" as I am replicating this type of speech is ohhh so tough. )))

What is a friking ferner?

Posted using Partiko iOS

That's how I was kiddingly called in one of the writer's groups I used to participate. "Ferner" was, apparently, Scottish transcription of the word "foreigner" whereas I will leave to your imagination to associate the word "friking" with a very closely pronounced profanity. )))

I think that's a line from the version starring Keira Knightley, which is one of my favorite movies! It's great drama and wit, but certainly more complicated speech than most people use (nowadays, anyway).

That's for sure. )))

Have you seen that I've been buying sbi for those who entered for your prompt and write either to continue mine, @mgaft's or @wwwiebe's?
Check this one out for more details
So I love your idea after all! SO MUCH FUN!

Here's my ending. I know I can't win the prize but I was inspired!


My continuation needs a continuation! And it would come with a reward.

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