Acting West Lampung Regent Drs. Nukman, M.M. Launching of the Regent's Regulation Concerning Guidelines for Preparing the 2024 Fiscal Year Revenue and Expenditure Expenditure Budget (APBPekon) at Lamban Budaya Pancasila Building

in #westlampung3 months ago

West Lampung, The launching was attended by elements of Forkopimda, Heads of Regional Apparatus, all Subdistrict Heads, Peratin, Pekon Apparatus and the Chair of the West Lampung Regency LHP Forum During the launch, Village Funds (DD) and Community Fund Allocations (ADP) were handed over to 15 sub-districts in West Lampung Regency. Apart from that, there was also the handover of the Charter for Determination as Pekons Assisted by the 2024 Love Statistics Village Program (Desa Cantik) to 4 Villages/Pekons in West Lampung Regency The 4 Pekons are Pekon Sukapura, Sumber Jaya District, Pekon Simpang Sari, Sumber Jaya District, Pekon Watas, Balik Bukit District and Pekon Hanakau, Sukau District. On that occasion Acting. Regent Nukman, M.M, in his speech said that in particular, the implementation of this activity is a form of direct guidance for the implementation of APBPekon for the 2024 fiscal year. This is as stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2018 concerning village financial management, that village finances are managed based on the principles of transparency, accountability, participation, and must be carried out in an orderly and budgetary manner. Then Nukman said that the launch of the West Lampung Regent's Regulation regarding guidelines for preparing the APBPekon for the 2024 fiscal year, namely in order to manage the APBPekon for the 2024 fiscal year so that it is right on target and in accordance with applicable guidelines. Nukman said that in managing the APBPekon, the West Lampung Regency Government needs to pay more attention to the implementation of village fund management. By issuing a Regent's Regulation to serve as guidelines and procedures for managing pekon finances for the 2024 fiscal year. "I emphasize to the Peratin or apparatus in charge of working well in managing finances in each pekon and working honestly and perpendicular to applicable regulations and avoiding fraudulent practices in the use of village funds such as mark-ups, fictitious spending, unfavorable projects. according to need," he stressed. The management of village funds must be in accordance with applicable regulations, taking into account the priorities set out in Minister of Finance Regulation number 145 of 2024 concerning Management and Villages and West Lampung Regent Regulation number 4 of 2024 concerning guidelines for preparing regional income and expenditure budgets for the fiscal year 2024.

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