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RE: [Challenge] We need to talk! Part 1

in #weneedtotalk6 years ago

Yes... So true.

Unfortunately this wasn't the only experience I had (or conversations I overheard) regarding my skin color. I'd say it happened at least 2-3 times a week... Throughout my childhood. Some people didn't know any better. Some people saw no harm in terms they would use. But some were downright hateful. This particular memory was just the one that stood out, where I finally stopped trying so hard to be a people pleaser. (Still kinda am... Hahaha but not nearly as bad as I once was lol)

Even as an adult... My family (hubby and kids who are all fair skinned) thought I was always looking for something that wasn't there.

Until we tested it and sadly, they saw I was right.

(Like getting seated consistently in certain places of the restaurant when I was there... Vs when I would wait outside until they were seated. And this was as recent as 5 years ago. People who think we are living in different times are only partially right)

The thing As an adult, it doesn't bother me anymore.

But that's for part 2. Hehe


Well, I for one, only see the heart in a person - how they treat others.

We do live in a society that labels unfortunately but I see this also in the animal kingdom. However, the hateful side of human nature....mmmm When I moved from Wash. DC to the deep south, I must have had a gang of girls after me to beat me up almost every week - bullying is what it was - for being a yankee or because of this or that which had very little to who I was. I think that if there is something different about you, especially if it is something good, human nature seems to want to tamp that down. It's a huge lesson to learn when you are put in the position of directed hate or bullying - you can either sink or learn to swim using your own inner strength and light.

It's very unfortunate that you had these directed hateful comments and behavior directed towards you. I look forward to reading your part 2

Agree 100%

I've always been a swimmer 😉

And yes.... Different scares a lot of people. Not sure where it starts. Not everyone is like that


Maybe it takes BEING different to see it's not so bad? Hehehe or...even having a loved one that is different. Some reason... Some motivation to look beyond?

I'm glad that some can learn though. I used to think that I was the one who needed to teach others how to be.

But that was really exhausting. Lol it never ended.

Now I just be.

If people want to learn, great. If not... Sadly, it's their loss.

And I know exactly who you are miss. Hehehe it's why I hunted you down for WW ♥️

You and so many others. The love was evident

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