Who is Wendy Rogers? Why is so little said about her in mainstream media when she was one of the First Women Pilots? piloted worldwide airlift and humanitarian missions in the C-141 transport jet for several years. Flight Instructor for Cadets.

in #wendyrogers3 years ago (edited)

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#RedOctober, #WendyRogers, #Stalwart, #frontlines

Testing to see if this goes through.
If not archiving, documenting for evidence and you all know Where to find me.
I write under the pen name ArtistiqueJewels [what was the Joule postulate]?
I am either under my name on various platforms or @TestingTheNarrative

Who is Wendy Rogers?
Daughter of a long line of Army officers, in 1976 Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers was commissioned as a 5th-generation military officer into the Air Force from Michigan State University
bachelor’s degree and then master’s degree from the University of Alabama in Clinical Social Work. She began her career treating patients in the Air Force mental health clinic.

In 1981, Wendy Rogers became one of the first 100 women pilots in today’s Air Force by earning her wings at Williams AFB in Arizona.

Following Air Force jet training, Wendy piloted worldwide airlift and humanitarian missions in the C-141 transport jet for several years.

Wendy then served as a flight instructor for cadets at the US Air Force Academy.

The latter half of Wendy’s 20-year Air Force career placed her overseas.

While in Europe, Wendy piloted Air Force C-21 Learjets and led three different operational divisions at Headquarters US Air Forces Europe. During the fall of the Berlin Wall and efforts to improve relations with former East Bloc countries, Wendy was deployed for six months downrange to run the Bosnian Airlift.

She finished her career with over 3,000 hours of jet time and numerous commendations, including the Defense Meritorious Service Medal.

After retiring from the Air Force in 1996 after twenty years of active duty, Wendy and her husband Hal (also a retired Air Force officer) started their own home inspection business.

Their crew of Arizona-licensed home inspectors has worked throughout Coconino, Yavapai, Pinal and Maricopa counties.

Hal is an electrical engineer who originally grew up on a Holstein dairy farm milking cows twice daily till age 18.

Wendy Rogers is uniquely able to serve the needs of Legislative District 6 because she is able to pilot her own aircraft into many of the short-field runways in remote rural areas.

In addition to her degrees in social work, Wendy holds a second master’s degree in National Security Studies from Cal State San Bernardino. Wendy and Hal homeschooled their children George and Emily during their elementary years.

Who is at the forefront of a Significant Letter from the now 93 Legislators From Multiple States Calling For 5 0-St*te A^d_t & Dec%rtific&tion Where Appropriate?

See evidence and documentation throughout clicks of this Facebook Frames Wendy Rogers which is fully sourced throughout.

Happy 10.10.2021
Our 11 involves awakening rather than destruction
Our 5 stands for Grace and Redemption rather than the cabal's defense and death to the enemy.
Just who Are the cabal's enemies?
Anyone like JFK who thwarts their attempts to enslave and control. . .YOU who oppose their corruption are their enemies!

Find the Facebook link to this Frames/Thread here,


Findings from the audit that a certain side and msm desperately tried to suppress.

  • Over 23,000 ballots came from people who no longer lived at that address.
  • The numbers concocted they claimed the side of good lost by was a little over 10,000
  • Though a Chain of Custody is required there was none for 1.9 million mail in ballots.
  • 2,500 duplicated ballots with no serial number though by law it is required
  • The serial numbers also missing on thousands upon thousands of adjudicated ballots
  • At least 1,900 blank envelopes for mail in ballots were discovered
  • Numerous bad signatures and bad mail in ballot envelopes only that should not have been counted.
  • 2,081 ballots cast by people who had moved out of the state
  • 10,324 voters might have voted in multiple counties so [allowed to vote numerous times or just claimed].
  • 284, 412 ballot images were corrupt or missing [lost by just 10,00 votes with All of those corrupted or missing]. Interesting?
  • Millions of the election related files were deleted during and after the election in violation of federal law including a purge of Election Management Software the day before the audit began. Any surprises there?
  • 43,000 absentee ballot votes were counted in DeKalb County, Georgia that violated the chain of custody rules.
  • Georgia was decided by only 11,779 votes.
  • The Secretary of Georgia and also the governor Brian Kemp refused to look at the evidence due to his fear of Stacey Abrams and taking on the corrupt democrat leadership stronghold.
  • Won Alabama, South Carolina by a record vote yet lost Georgia though the chain of custody rules was violated. Doesn't add up!

Why was the Justice Dept. so powerless?
Why didn't they do anything about it?
Was a pushed scamdemic used for massive fraud which was always there, but Never seen at these levels before?
What about the early voting, late voting, mail in ballot fudging going on?
Why did the Supreme Court in several states all out refuse to hear cases with documented evidence? You know why. Which systems are compromised and corrupted?
Will the Arizona Attorney General do the right thing for our country?

See the rally here,


I Do find it interesting her husband's name is Hal.

Just some fun reminders.

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