[CLOSED] Call me crazy but this is how I walk around in London these days! My Steemit Bag with Dtube logo and Dlive logo T-shirt and Leaflet that I’m giving out to people I meet.

in #welovesteepshot6 years ago (edited)






Everything cost me very little money because I’m little creative and I can use my little own imagination to promote Steemit in London.

People who ignored my will regret in 2-3 years and will say I should I’ve got in to Steemit back in 2018 when STEEM was only $1.50

I hope you use your own imagination and promote Steem Dapps to people in your Town!!

Have a wonderful day :)

Steepshot_footer2.PNG Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Web

Man after pondering over this for several hours I have decided to get a few steem Dapps goodies as well. I am not sure of the design yet but I was checking a few prices online I thinking of geeting at least a couple of DTube/Dlive and Stememit T-shirts and a bag.

I mean you just walk on the street wearing them and its free publicity ......... I am willing to do at least this much. I hope more of us could get into this because person to person is the way to go about for this. Particularly at this point of time there is too much noise chatter about blockchain/crypto in the ether that is totally wrong.

Person to person and face to face can be the our official approach to promote Steem based DApps and more. Of course I would would have to go beyond just wearing the T-Shirt and actually talking to people should to be goal............. but one step at a time.

Yes dude if you can get yourself a Dtube/Steemit T-Shirt or a Bag people will notice.

I’m more of a people person and I can easily start a conversation with any stranger. Yes do what you can!

You never know that one person who you introduce Steemit might introduce 1000 people. Like myself I got introduced to Bitcoin by someone I’ve told more than 2000 people in the last 2 years to get involved with Crypto.

I have seriously been thinking about person to person conversations. I myself have talked to several about cryptos and I have a actual list where I know for a fact that 7 people started buying cryptos after I introduced them to the idea. (This was all before March 2018)

There is no reason that I cannot do the same with Steem blockchain and associated Dapps. I need to figure out a way to do it and I have a few ideas that I'd like to try out. In the coming weeks I am going to give this a shot.

Quality - yes there will be some regretful people in a few years!. Have you come across the promo-steem tag? If you get three upvotes from community approved Steem Ambassadors and use the promo-steem tag you can an upvote from the @steem-ambassador account which has nearly 50,000 Steem Power. Steem-Ambassadors curate for high quality posts about promoting STEEM and Steemit. You can add the tag to this post if you like- and see how it goes....

Thank you so much for meaningful comment @cryptocurator!

Yes most people are regretful of missing Bitcoin and Ethereum train. lol Now they're prepared to miss STEEM, EOS, ADA train too. Some people never learn. lol

As you suggested I've used the promo-steem tag and I'll what happens.

Have a great day my friend :)

I'm always motivated and impressed whenever i see the love you have for the steemit and dlive, you are indeed a blessing to this community. welldone boss, i just wish i could join you.

You guys are doing wonderful work already!

Keep it up :))

Welldone sir..
I will adopt some of these ASAP.
I love dlive , as well as steepshot , fundition? NO
Steemit is a great world
Working on my growth
And helping others to grow

Nice work @nathanmars.
You a an inspiration

Friend, I think you have a lot of imagination. really your desire to help are wonderful, and that has given you great imagination also very enthusiastic to convey the message of the blockchain and not satisfied with that also invest time and finances, you have a great heart. Greetings and blessings

Thank you so much and I still haven't really started my journey yet!

I can't wait to make real impacts with steemians Steemit journey :)

@nathanmars, You wanna crazy with Dtube & steemit bag wearing. It's really enjoying stuff to everyone. Woop.....keep going my friend. You can do highly.

thats a dope bag!

I care less about the bag but more about the message!

Person who wearing it make all the difference! I can make things happen:)

It looks very nice, the picture is dtube logo bag, as well as the design of your shirt design shirt is much better

Thank you my friend :)

I have always tried to follow you and try it like you dtube d live at all times in fact it is a very nice t shirt and i will try to thank everyone for dtube, dlive to thank you ...

Thanks my dear!

you are most welcome sir and please visit my blog many post on dlive ...

Why are you not participating in #AskDNomad ? That'll make me wanna visit your blog...

Sir how are participating in #AskDNomad ? please tell me

Please check my blog!

ok sir I check your blog and please send your blog link ,,so I simple got it this blog..

Sorry I can't send you the link, if you want to participate you must find the link within my blog. everyday there is at least two vlogs about #AskDNomad

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