Emotional Wellness: What it is, and why it's important.

in #wellbeing8 years ago

Wellness is a concept that refers, generally, to being in a state of wellbeing, contentment, or happiness with one's place in life. While associated with health, the idea of wellness applies to more than the physical -  the psychological and mental aspects of wellness are just as important. Emotional wellness, in particular, is a vital (and often overlooked) part of living life well. 

A major part of wellness is accepting and making peace with your life. In terms of emotional wellness, this means recognizing and reconciling with your own feelings and emotions. You should strive to be attuned to your personal thoughts, mental states, and emotional life. Understanding and being aware of your feelings will help you accept them. 

The goal of emotional wellness is to remove psychological hang-ups and barriers by facing and dealing with your feelings head on. A key aspect of this effort is finding a safe, healthy way to express emotions. Negative emotions, for example, need to be discharged and overcome. Similarly, you should try to admit your mistakes - and then move on from them. 

Therapy, stress-relieving activities, and strong interpersonal connections are among the best ways to find emotional balance and healthy express emotions. Make especially sure to maintain good relationships with friends and family, since everyone needs emotional support. Remember, emotional needs are just as important as physical needs. It's vital that you find ways to cope with your feelings. 

Making peace with your emotions will help you to live optimistically and positively. Instead of being bothered and worried by feelings you either dislike or don't understand, you'll simply be able to accept yourself and move forward with your life. A person who is emotionally well is able to deal with a board range of feelings in a positive way. Such people are resilient, flexible, and capable of handling whatever life throws at them. Strive to find emotional wellness - doing so will help you to be happy with both yourself and your life. 

Make peace,

Find your self,

life your life how you want to.

Find your inner peace and wellbeing. 


great post! Emotional wellness is so important. Being in a positive emotional state, we can build relationships, overcome challenges and grow as people. So often the mind is overlooked. Thank you for the reminder that emotional wellness is the key to happiness and succeeding in life!

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