Two New Newbies? Yes Indeed!

in #welcomewagon6 years ago (edited)

After our Super Senior Week, we had a week go by without ANY newbies being inducted into the Welcome Wagon! To be honest, our SteemPeers missed that excitement of training a fresh, new face! But here is the reality: We do NOT want to fill a quote. We have NO obligation so to bring on "just any newbie" so that we can grow for the sake of growing. We are extremely protective of our blossoming family, and we want to grow based on a true connection with Steemians of Excellence.

What does that mean exactly? Do they have to be the best of the best? Professional bloggers, writers, photographers? No, not at all. It means that they want to be on Steemit. It means that they want to thrive here. It means that they want true connections with others and want to support great content to the best of their ability. Oh - and laughter! We really like laughter!

Without further ado, Introducing:

Both of these ladies are dedicated to learning, eager to learn about the platform and with infectious personalities. Recruiting @youhavewings is a bit of a new experience for us, as she is a Steemian with a higher reputation than we were used to shadowing. We were concerned with a few of these questions: Can we teach her more? Has she already found her way? Will this take away from someone with a lower rep? All of these questions and more swirled through our head as we decided to get to know her and investigate further. Boy, were we thankful we investigated further! Without going into detail, a reputation should never be the sole criterion for evaluating someone's fit for the Welcome Wagon. We are so very excited to bring her on board, and we are looking forward to teaching her all that we know to equip her even more for the sometimes "murky" waters of Steemit!

Another first! We added to our family! REAL FAMILY! @twodorks is the real-life sister of @maquemali, and though she is incredibly humble - we think that she has that same bright light of joy that her sister has! She's a little nervous that she might not be able to fill her sister's shoes! However, we've assured her that every single person that we choose has the ability to carve out their very own special niche. We can't wait to see how these two sisters light up our lives!

I'd love for you to go take a peek at their work! I already have some of my favorites from the week, but I'll let you browse around their blog to let their work speak to you! Just click on each of their images above in order to be taken to their blog!

Thanks for welcoming our new recruits!

~@dreemsteem, for the Welcome Wagon


This banner created by @enginewitty


This gif created by the wonderfully artistic @liberty-minded

Wagon Wheels and Welcome Wagon logo designed by the amazing @penderis

Excellence source

Nice people. And this is such a wonderful Initiative. Who is behind this one ?? :) Whoever it is I think it is great and they should be applauded.

This will help our Retention rate , no doubtyou are a

P.S. I came back and decided that I like this Initiative so much that I made you a dolphin.gif

in the form of a SP Donation ( and possibly some more in future) :)

Wow!! This is so sweet of you @robertandrew! 😍.. WW Family is grateful for all the support it needs!..much less from a dolphin..🦈🦈🦈

Woooot wooot!!!

Yay! You good hero-type-person you! It's our lovely @dreemsteem behind it, and she's gathered some rather wonderful peers and sponsors and graduates and trainees around her to form the Welcome Wagon as we know it!

I got to talking about retention on a witness chat a while back and it sparked an idea in @dreemsteem. Done well with it so far, lot of good Steempeeps coming through there.

Hey!!! THANK YOU so much @robertandrew! I apologize for being late in getting to this response - we were in training all day! hehehehe We have two recruits instead of one this week - so double the training! :)

On the Witness chat - a lot of people mentioned how newbies should just simply know how to do things - just by reading the white paper. And the white paper is great! and we SHOULD be reading it!!!! :) but - how many of us need that extra hand to hold?

How many people who are successful had that "one friend" (or more) who knew about Steemit and stuck by them to answer their questions? I know I did! and I was SO grateful!!!!

So, during the witness chat - instead of getting frustrated - I made a suggestion - and made it again - and made it again! hahahahaha and by the end of the witness chat, we had about 10 people who wanted to join my initiative! hehehe It's been a lot of hard work - so many hours and hours everyday!!!! but our results have been ABSOLUTELY worth it!

I met @saffisara that day (one of the most dedicated people to Welcome Wagon!!!! along with @bluefinstudios who joined a bit later but has been CRUCIAL in his unending support!!!) and I went to show her our conversation - how we met! and while I was there in that Witness Chat - I went down memory lane!!!! hahahahaha reading how it was all born!

I think I'll post it in here this week sometime! cuz it is SO wild to see it go from idea, to plan - and now to see how far we've come!!!! :)

I hope we continue to grow and I thank you from the fullness of my heart - for your gift!!! Truly!!!! THANK YOU!!! :)

So great to meet two new amazing people 🤗
Looking forward to get to know you and welcome 👍💕

Thank you 😊

You are going to LOVE THEM BOTH!!!! :)

good choices!! and so true - reputation can be bumped high with one good curie vote in the beginning of a Steemian's career.

Yes it can! And we are so glad we didn't overlook @youhavewings because of her rep - she is already a WONDERFUL delight!!!!! (as is @twodorks! hehehehe)

Look forward to knowing you @youhavewings and @twodorks!

They are absolutely amazing!!!! :)

Thank you and same here can’t wait to get to know all of you! 😊

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Thank you @dreemsteem for inviting me to @welcomewagon I’m very much excited to learn and meet new people in here! 😃

Thanks for the warm welcome! 😊

You will learn a lot sissy!!.. and you will meet awesome and loving steemians here!! 😉😍

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We are so proud of you already! Today was amazing (and you know what we mean!!!) :)

@dreemsteem, for the Welcome Wagon

Yey! That’s so nice to hear coming from you @dreemsteem ! Thank you 💕

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Welcome @twodorks and @youhavewings! So great to have two new Welcome Wagon sisters to play with :) Have a wonderful week in training, and I'm here if you ever need me <3

E x

and... a new trainee peer... ahem that we are extremely proud of. Can't mention names. Im waiting for a team name before I announce how EXTREMELY proud I am. hehehe

Congratulations sweet @eveningart for your new role! It suits you beautifully. You have a keen eye on the look for amazing lost red fishes just as @anutu was.. and now look at him shines wondrously! 😍😀

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I am beside myself excited and so thankful that you have brought me into your WW family. Every single exchange and interaction with everyone has been so warm and wonderful.

So inspired by what you all do and have created together!

@dreemsteem, you are just a whirlwind of positive energy and are just 'amazing' happy to have met you.

Looking forward to getting to know all the welcome wagon members more and learning from everyone.

Much love to you all!

These past few days have been so extraordinary with you and @twodorks! We didn't bring anyone on last week - and I was nervous about that. I wanted to find the PERFECT recruits. and when I didn't last week - I thought I was being too picky and that it would end up being to my detriment.

but we waited.

and this week - we have you two. and you are both EXACTLY what we needed this week. I'm so glad we weren't hasty! I'm thrilled :)

Thank you - If I knew how to drop some emojis in here, I would! You all are simply the best and have made the world of difference to my steemit experience already. My cheeks are still sore from laughing so hard this morning. So you not only teach so much, but you make every day brighter and funnier ;)

hahahah well - I need to show you how to drop emojis then!!!! :) That clearly needs to be something that's covered in our training! LOLOL

and yes - it has been a REALLY fun week of laughter! I appreciate that you enjoyed it (we really did too!!!!)

ok - so here is how you drop emojis from your computer keyboard! :)

Go to this site:
Find the emoji you like. Select it (drag across it until it's highlighted) Click on copy - and then simply paste it into the comment or post! easy peesy lemon squeezy! hehehe :)


easy peesy lemon squeezy! hehehe :)

Somebody's in a great mood!

Thanks for the emoji help - coolnessnessness

Welcome @twodorks and @youhavewings !!!

So cool to meet the two new recruits. Looking forward to learning more about you and learn from you of course!


Thank you @anutu same here, looking forward to get to know each one of you! 💕

Youre going to love these two beautiful souls! I promise you! :) and they're gonna love you!!!

Definitively, I love them already!!!❤️

Yayyyyyy! Welcome welcome welcome aboard the WW Ship! @ youhavewings and my sissy @twodorks..

I assure you both you will have a lovely and fulfilling week. @welcomewagon will surely cater to your Steemit Journey.

I agree reputation alone that does tell much about how you have been doing here in the community.

I cannot wait to know you more @youhavewings.. if there's anything I could be of help, just tweak my tail at the WW nest. 😍

Best of luck to all!

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haha its you two again! i keep seeing you guys pop up everywhere!!!

Hahahahaha sorry we love to hop around you know.. its great to catch you here too! 😆😉

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Hahaha we’re not that noisy 🤭

I love how you and @eveningart and @anutu and @mimismartypants go out of your way to love on our new new newbies!

You Grads all make me so happy <3

Of course! You had taught us well enough.. 😉

And we love how much this family is getting fatter... oh i mean bigger.. oooppsss.. did i just made that worst.. hahahaha..

Seriously, we would do the same thing to them what you have done to us.. 😊😗

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I prefer to say "pleasantly plump" instead of fatter! hehehehehe

but "bigger" this is good too!. How can we help it if we love to eat so much???

Sorry i meant to say platter.. noooo! I mean flatter.. 🤣😂

Yes! We could never get rid of something we love doing.. people has to accept that.. that who we are.. hehehe

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Welcome @youhavewings and @twodorks!! I hope ypu guys have loads of fun during induction week!! It goes by super fast!!! But the great news is, yoi get to hang out for as long as you want!! Wohoooo!! Here's to lots of laughter and fun!!

And its also great to meet the real-life sister of @maquemali!!! You guys are going to take over the blockchain Lol.

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Just started today! Thank you for the warm welcome.. 💕

and haha get ready when that happens! 🤣

Hahahhahahahah!! I will get my movie watching pants on, make some popcorn and enjoy the show!! Yes, I have a new pair og pants for all types of occasions!!

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Ooohhh you better get those comfy ones 'cause your gonna be laughing the whole time! Ya know just in case you peed in your pants get an extra one hahaha

hehehehehe they are TOTALLY going to take over the blockchain.. Ask them what their real life names are in the room... and you will see why ;)

Waaaaaaahhhhh its a secret! Hahahahahahaha... oh my i cant stop laughing if they found out! 🤣😂..

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Waaaaaaahhhhh its a secret! Hahahahahahaha... oh my i cant stop laughing if they found out! 🤣😂..

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Im scared now!! Conqueror and pants comes to mind!! Should i run!!??

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