The Ravi's Secret Friend

in #welcomewagon6 years ago (edited)
A wonderful week is about to begin at the Welcome Wagon Domain. Hopefully, this post finds you, grads in high spirits and keen to be entertained and…entertain. Brush your heavy thoughts away and join me for another enticing journey on the way to more active community. Not that we haven’t done this recently, here is another game I invite you to play with me.

Mysterious ways

Some Simple Rules

  1. Choose any person on Welcome Wagon - doesn't matter who! :smiley:
  2. Describe this person on a post that you write - in a mysterious way
  3. Name the post "Ravi's Secret Friend" so all the other graduates will know where to look!!!
  4. Only one guess per person - and the first to guess right - gets a point! :smiley:
  5. IF no one guesses your mystery person correctly, then YOU win the point!!!! :smiley:
If you want to be a part of the idea, you have to send us more info about yourself - what are your likes and wishes, how do you drink your coffee, what are your favorite gifts, favorite colors, favorite type of chocolate, how do you spend your free time, what is your favorite novels author, what is your favorite band, favorite type of movies ... and more and more ... This will help your secret friend to give you what you REAAAALLLLY like. So it's up to you to choose what you'll receive.


Choose wise, then book your choice at @dreemsteem who will be the only one to know the names of all booked choices and also the people who are free.

You have to really participate. It is simple - you won't like if you are waiting for one month for someone to think about you. Give and receive. Anyway, if you don't like to be a giver, but just a receiver, it's up to you. A bit selfish, but it's your choice. The game is for giving a smile to someone. Be that person.

How to leave a clue? Be creative ... place it on Discord. Hide it in your post. Send it by post or delivery agency - your choice :) It's up to you to decide would you help the person in charge to reveal your identity or make this a difficult task for him/her.

Private Eye

Be quickPlace your picks at the coordinator sending her a DM. Don't panic!

*You see, the coordinator is a human as well and can't check email and change status in real time. The normal timeframe to respond will be about 12-24h.


And last : Really - keep it secret. That is the point of Mysterious Ways. The only one person who will know who is your mysterious friend, will be the coordinator. As well, some other people can see you when you leave something on your Friend's “desk”. And you may see other. Please, keep the secret. That builds trust. And if you reveal some other's secret, it won't be a part of the game, you'll ruin the pleasant surprise for someone else.

Of course, anyone who does not know how to keep his mouth shut and reveals an identity, will be banned for ever. And if you just wait passively, the friend-coordinator would be able to place you in "waiting list". As we said - if you give, you will receive ;)


The 1st round will start on 25.09.2018. Your picking options will open exactly at midnight 0:00 AM on that date. If you want to participate, you'll have to send us all your info before that time. Each one, who did not send us information and his willingness to participate, will have to be removed from the list of participants and won't be available "target". If you express your will to not participate before that time, you’ll be removed as is your wish. If you don‘t see your name in the list, but you want to participate, send us a request and you'll be added.

Remember - if you want to participate, you have to tell us. If you don't want - tell us as well.

The game administrators are the only ones who can decide if rules are respected and if rules can or should be changed. The game administrators will try to keep the rules as simple as it might be, taking in note the game and site administration. The game site administrators are not responsible of all and any personal data you provide as no such will be placed on your public profile. No email address will be sold or given for any possible reason. No personal data will be provided to third party except the one given willingly by the participants.

Finally, here is an information on how important witness voting is.


Please consider these amazing people as witnesses: @c0ff33a / @derangedvisions - @enginewitty - @surpassinggoogle / @steemgigs - @yehey - @curie / @markangeltrueman - @good-karma - @therealwolf
Thank you very much!


Amazing contest idea, I LOVE it!!!!!! What a lovely surprise in the morning!

Thank you! Remember we start at 00.00 tonight. Don't hesitate to book at the coordinator. Good luck!

Did it :) need some time to catch up ... returned home late today ...


This sounds like fun, I love a bit of mystery.... 😃

Thank you! Remember we start at 00.00 tonight. Don't hesitate to book at the coordinator. Good luck!

Sure! What timezone are we using for it, so I skated up going a bit early...

Good question! I suggest we use @dreemsteem' zone being that she is the coordinator. Anyone any idea what's the time at @dreemsteem?

Okay... I think it should be UTC-8, not too sure though....

Not that crucial at all! Just wanted to give enough time to everybody so they send their DMs.

OMG!! This is intense and serious.. i am still loading all up the mechanics! Im confused a bit! 🤣

First, how can i shut myself up?!!!

Its freaking hard! Hahahaha... this is totally insane but definitely i am in! Its pretty new to me but interesting to be part of it!

Brilliant idea @ravijojla girl!

Posted using Partiko Android

I am sure you wouldn't want to be "banned", so you will have to learn.... At least for this little big mystery game....

Yeahhhh i know.. i will just close my eyes! And mouth!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahahaha! You have to shut up, love! And stay silent this one week. Oh, you'll master that challenge!

Hahahaha ill do my best to zip this kissable mouth of mine.. 😂🤣😂😆

Posted using Partiko Android

I know. I believe you'll do! Hugs.

Hahaha let the games begin.. 🤡

Posted using Partiko Android

Poor @maquemali! I have duck tape id you need it!bitmoji-20180924024300.png

Hahahahaha give it to me i will really use that

Posted using Partiko Android

Good girl! You are so courageous!

OMG!! This is intense and serious.. i am still loading all up the mechanics! Im confused a bit! 🤣

First, how can i shut myself up?!!!

Its freaking hard! Hahahaha... this is totally insane but definitely i am in! Its pretty new to me but interesting to be part of it!

Brilliant idea @ravijojla girl!

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice one @ravijojla I’ll be participating hehehe I’ll make it hard for them to guess it hahahah just kidding!!! Love your idea!!! 💕❤️😊

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good luck, sunshine!

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