Weight Loss Journey Update!

So, I kind of wandered off track. I do not remember how long ago I started. With all the issues with my health, working out and eating right have taken a back seat. I still walk my average of 10,000 steps a day though. And do hikes like we did yesterday.


However, I have lost a total of 10 pounds, now putting me at 220 pounds. Not nearly as spectacular as that first week, but with the stress I've been under I accept it!


I had set my goal at losing 90 pounds, to bring me down to a healthy 140. 10 down, 80 to go!

We also weighed Albus today.


He is a 10 pound cat!! I have lost one Albus!

Henceforth, Albus is a unit of measurement. 💜💜💜

So my next goal is to lose another Albus. Keep working toward your goals everyone. Even the smallest steps toward them are successes!

Love to you!


You may want to try actifit again as the new version of the app is much much better then the first one was.

I'll give it another try, thanks!

Awesome accomplishment loosing one Albus! I'd love to jump on that bus and loose an Albus too. It takes much dedication, focus, commitment. I am with ya on this journey girl. I want to loose 5 Albus' in all. I am 5'9" and 196 lbs right now. Crazy how quickly it gets outta hand! Your positive attitude is so on pointe! Let's do this ❤ ❤❤

Heck yes Lady! We've got this!

I love Albus as a unit of measurement. <3 Congrats on your goalpost!

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