To Lose Weight Or Not To Lose Weight Is There really A Question?

in #weightloss7 years ago

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I think it is really ridiculous all the fad diets that are out there these days. Your either cutting out whole food groups (denying yourself of precious nutrients) or trying to convince your self that something as ridiculous as the champagne diet or gummy bear diet is actually a good thing, and that it will work for you.
I get that unwanted pounds have an effect on our self esteem, and maybe I am not the best person to have an opinion on this as I have never had a problem with being over weight, quite the opposite really but as a woman I too know what it feels like to be depressed because you are not happy with your weight. I have always wanted to be curvy but my genes just don't allow me that. I have a super high metabolism so I burn calories insanely fast. You may think that that is lucky but I tend to disagree as my pathetic body weight has been a target for myself being bullied for years.

But what can I do about it? This piece is not so I can bitch and moan but instead I have done research and found the best food sources to incorporate into my diet to either slow down my metabolism or to increase my sources of protein to gain HEALTHY weight.

Because my issue is not most women's I thought I would also research the opposite and see if I could come up with a list of fat burning foods or sources to help shed some of those unwanted pounds that women have.

So without further ado here are the list of food sources I came up with.

  1. Super Green Tea/ Matcha


This has been blasted everywhere I know but apart from the fact its “on trend” right now
it's properties will not only boost your health and immunity (to fight those winter buggies), but it will speed up your metabolism helping to burn those calories fast. So switch out your normal brew for one of these a day.

  1. Lentils

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Many ladies be afflicted by an iron deficiency, which can be in charge for extra weight as a loss of nutrients can slow down your metabolism. Lentils are rich in iron, so add some into your salad for a nutritious (and fat-burning!) increase.

  1. Beans Peas and Chickpeas


Many researchers have proven that consuming around 130g of beans, peas or chickpeas a day can't simplest assist you shed pounds, however also assist decrease excessive ldl cholesterol.

  1. Tumeric

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Last year Turmeric grew to be a more and more popular family spice, however, it truly seems set to blow up once more in 2018 thanks to the healthful compound curcumin it incorporates. now not most effective is it top notch for weight loss, it's going to supply your hair and pores and skin a lift.

  1. Popcorn

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My favorite thing to do on a Friday is have our family movie night, and what's a movie night without my favorite snack? POPCORN. My favorite cinema snack is definitely a must if you are trying to shift those icky pounds! It’s rich in fiber and could assist your digestive system in ticking along nicely helping it to remove those bad bacteria and preventing weight gain. YES!

  1. Cinnamon


Flavour bomb all your favorite hot drinks, smoothies and porridge with sweet cinnamon and you’ll soon melt the pounds away. This clever little spice helps to move glucose into your cells faster, meaning they are less likely to be stored as fat.

  1. Oranges

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Of course, we know oranges are high in vitamin C who doesn't know that but did you know that oranges combined with ginger for a fat-busting energizing drink

  1. Ginger

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So of course next I'm going to tell you about ginger. Ginger is awesome as a fat burning tool. Add ginger to hot water with lemon for a zingy rush to your morning. It will get your metabolism going first thing in the morning.

  1. Grapefruit

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Also, try half a grapefruit in the morning for breakfast. My favorite is pink grapefruit but each to their own. It's purpose is to naturally cleanse your body and detoxify any impurities. Think of it like a clean slate first thing in the morning.

  1. Prawns


For an awesome fat-burning evening meal try prawns and fresh veges. Not only are they absolutely scrumptious but they are also low in fat and in calories making them the perfect weight loss food. I like to sprinkle some chilli to mine, as chilli contains a chemical that boosts your body’s ability to burn fat and it also acts as an appetite suppressant.

  1. Almonds

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If you're always in a rush like me then preparing healthy snacks is a hassle. However instead of buying your favorite choccy bar why not just have a bag of almonds on hand instead. A handful of almonds will make the difference to your waistline! Almonds are great snacks as they are packed full of B vitamins, which help to reduce those pesky sugar cravings.

  1. Broccoli

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Maybe I was a weird kid I don't know but I never thought broccoli was gross lol. It was always my veggie best friend hahah (see what I did there). The reason why broccoli is so great is because it is super low in fat AND calories, while remaining high in fibre, which keeps you feeling fuller for longer.

  1. Coconut Sugar

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If your like me then you LOVE your sugar. But we all know that it is a silent killer. It makes our kids obese and us as well but it is a seductive devil because it makes everything taste so good. But there is a way around this and that is Coconut sugar it has more vitamins and minerals than white sugar, as well as added iron and zinc. And it’s much lower in cals too! So we can have our proverbial cake and eat it too, so long as we nixed that white sugar for coconut.

  1. Mustard

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Now mustard is definitely a taste yes in my book, but I never knew until I researched that that yummy peppery condiment has the ability to burn fat too.
Use in moderation and it could help you burn a whopping 16% more fat.
And it’s all due to a metabolism-boosting ingredient called capsaicin.
This capsaicin’s heat helps with a process called thermogenesis. Now I know I am getting a bit sciency here but bear with me the end result is cool. Thermogenesis is where your body can convert fat into heat, so helps to burn more fat, which aids to weight loss.

  1. Oily Fish

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Another great dinner idea is of course oily fish. Eating oily fish can help boost your metabolism as well as stimulating the production of something called leptin, it's a hormone that helps to keep your hunger levels in check. So in other words your fuller for longer and don't need to run to the local dairy for sweets.

  1. Gin

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One I found interesting is Gin. Now personally I am not a fan (lol some bad experiences there, better left for another day maybe), but a shot of gin can actually speed up your metabolism

Well I could go on for so many more because frankly there are so many different yet delicious ways to shed pounds the RIGHT way, which means the HEALTHY way., but I would be here for a while. I hope you enjoyed my piece and if you like what you read then please follow me.


As a nutrionist I would say that your opinion on diets and weight is wise and healthy =) Keep it going

Thanks so much I researched it thoroughly before writing it as I didn't want inaccurate information. I respect your opinion highly as your a professional.

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