How can I lose weight quickly?

in #weightloss2 years ago

I've lost 17 kgs in 5 months. It all comes down to basic math. Calories in vs calories out. I always used to think that I was fat because of my genes but never had a thought that I was overeating and so I was wrong all the time. Show a fat man and a thin man to a kid and ask that kid to tell why the people are in their shapes they are. Even he'll answer that the fat man is fat because he eats a lot and so.

So I thought of reducing food intake. I started taking food in limited quantities. I stopped overeating & Voila….

Purchase a weighing scale. Weigh yourself. Start dieting and keep a check on the scale. The results themselves will speak out for you and thus you'll be more & more motivated towards reaching your goal.


Edit-1 Initial phase ( around the end of August), I leisurely checked my weight and found it to be 105.8 which was really horrifying. Brought a weighing scale. My brother who happens to be a doctor ( he lost 40kgs over the course of 20 months) gave me an advice. To stop eating dinner & have only 2 meals per day. Tried it for a month and by the end of September I was around 101 ( I was eating the same junk shit at heavy quantities but only twice a day). Initial days are a bliss… u step on a weighing scale after 2 days of following this and u find urself losing at least 1 kg. After sometime, progress seems to halt. Then I decided to go on a liquid diet which didn't last for more than 2 days ( however I lost about commendable amount of weight just within those 2 days, half of which came back as soon as I started eating)


I understood that I need a lifestyle which will keep in the same weight for years to come but not a gimmick ( losing rapidly and gaining it back again). I was never much fond of rice. So I quit rice mostly ( had biryani once or twice a week, maybe rice too at the same intervals) but most of the times, I filled my Hunger with 700–800gms of Chicken or Prawns or Fish ( alongside 1 or 2 chapatis for whole day, not more). This worked wonders for me… everyday I used to step on a weighing scale & notice a difference of at least half a pound each & every day. I always recorded my lowest weight. & Then friends are friends, parties are parties. That's where the real trouble began. I used to eat badly again, just to find 2–3kgs more on weighing scale ( half of it is water weight & disappears within a day if u get back to ur normal diet) but then again I wanted to push it little more further. So whenever I had gone bad on diet, I used to walk a little more distance than I did on usual days & next day, no chapati - only milkshakes or cooked chicken/fish/prawns & back to square 1. Weight used to get back to where it was. This is how I gradually decreased little by little weight. I'm very fond of burgers & ice creams… no I didn't stop eating them. I was eating them every now & then but always kept a check on the usual routine. This is exactly how I had been though the phases. Was I really dieting and stopped eating everything I loved ? No I didn't, I just became more cautious about the quantity of food I'm feeding myself. Whenever I felt hungry and I already had my meals for the day, I used to go for Puffed rice or Popcorn. They can fill ur tummy & they are very low on calories which makes them uncountable.


My brother- the 1st picture was taken on June 20,2015 & the second one on Dec 22,2016



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