What is the worst thing you can eat and what should be banned!

in #weightloss7 years ago (edited)

So right off the bat you may be thinking pizza, chips, ice cream, chocolate. If you guessed donuts you’re right! In my educated opinion I believe donuts are gram for gram the worst food you can eat. But they’re so good, I even contemplated getting one and taking a picture of me eating one while I wrote this. But I didn’t, you’re welcome.

So what makes donuts the evilest thing you can eat? The combinations of all the things that makes it so delicious! Sugary - deep fried - white flour.

Each donut is made unique and different but the average donut contains at least 300 calories easily. The average donut contains 35-45g of carbohydrates which 15-25g are sugar and almost 20g of fat per donut depending on the type. The protein content isn’t even worth mentioning.

So besides the insulin spike that’s going to help store that donut as fat on your stomach, butt and hips, there’s only 20g more of fat leftover to worry about. But it’s a combination of saturated and Trans fats so it is really bad for you. Ever wonder how you get high cholesterol? Your answer is Trans fats and too much saturated fats. I will have to write another post on the effects of eating sugar and fats otherwise this will turn into a giant lecture.

As for what I think should be absolutely banned. It’s Pop/Soda.

The average American drinks approximately 56 gallons of soda a year. That’s probably why the average American is overweight. Sugar, Phosphoric acid, caffeine, High fructose corn syrup are just some of the ingredients you probably wouldn’t want your kids having.
If you drink soda and ever thought about losing weight, quitting drinking it would be the fastest way to drop a few pounds. There are no quality nutrients in soda and that is why it is referred to empty calories.
A big issue that a lot of people don’t understand is that when you drink/eat something very sweet your body starts to feel very hungry. The reason for this has to do with the insulin spike caused by the increase in blood sugar. In a nut shell; Insulin is a peptide hormone and its job is the help metabolize the sugar and utilize it for energy or store it as fat if energy is not required. Because this process happens so fast and there is a surplus of insulin in the bloodstream another peptide hormone called Glucagon is released in a surplus to recreate homeostasis. Glucagon is the antagonist to Insulin which means when blood sugar levels are low it helps by increasing the levels of sugar in the blood. Together Insulin and Glucagon create homeostasis the blood. The problem though is after that insulin spike there is a huge crash where blood sugar levels are low. If you have ever had low blood sugar you know the feeling, tired, lazy and maybe even craving something sweet. Now imagine the consequences of this cycle. Although yes there are many foods and drinks out there that would recreate the same side effect. But drinking your calories doesn’t create the sensation of being full, and you can typically drink a lot more than you reprieve, it's also very cheap to other alternatives. In conclusion to that, drinking soda is the worst way to consume 40 grams of sugar and should be avoided. Also to note, add all fountain drinks to that list. And it would be wise to avoid fruit juices as all, so eat them whole or not at all.

Of course anything in moderation is not bad for you. Just snack responsibly.

If you think there is something out there worse than the two foods I listed, please feel free to share in the comments. I would love to hear if you can come up with a worse food to eat than donuts and a better food to ban than soda/pop.

Thank you so much for reading, please Resteem if you thought this was informative.
I also plan to elaborate more on how Insulin and Glucagon work together, and how you can use that knowledge to your advantage in fighting weight loss. As well as why drinking diet soda/pop is also a bad alternative if you are trying to lose weight.


It's amazing how two delicious foods can be so harmful to our organisms. I think we should moderate the mode of consumption and thus take a little more care of our body.

Thank you very much for your post, it is very informative. Successes

Many things can be harmful to our bodies, but I will argue that a donut once in a while is also good for our psychology. Rather than deprive ourselves of little pleasures just moderate them :)

The food you eat can be either the safest & most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison :( :(

That's absolutely right. But doesn't mean you can't indulge in a little bad behavior once in a while.

Those donuts do look amazing! But I think this is a good reminder for people to hear.

If you stare too long they might start calling to you.

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