The Birdmobile (5 minute freewrite - weekend prompt: first sentence)

She glanced around her as the pelicans talked to each other in the car and wondered if maybe she should call her Grandmother and ask her advice...

It hadn't been too bad when the seagulls got in the back seat, although their incessant high-pitched chatter was rather distracting while she was driving. But the pelicans were proving to be problematic. They smelled sooooo fishy, and their beaks took up too much room. They refused to get out, no matter where she stopped. They wouldn't get out at the beach (and they really ought to have done so), or at the post office, or at the library, or at the grocery store. Now she was trying to fit eight bags of groceries and a big bag of dog food and three bags of water softener salt into the trunk because there wasn't any room in the back seat, thanks to the seagulls and the pelicans. The front seat was full now, too, because of that seal that got in when she stopped at the bank. What business did a seal have at the bank, anyway? Did her car look like a taxi or something? It wasn't even yellow. In fact, it was a bright red sports car, and now it was so full of birds and critters, she could hardly get in to drive it.

Grandma always seemed to know what to do in any given situation. She was so old, and had been through so much. She didn't drive, and she had never told any stories about strange animals getting into the wagon back in the days of her youth, but maybe she would have a solution.


I could picture what the sports car looked like, full of the birds and critters and I love it! So funny! : ) I used to get some crazy looks with 3 big dogs in my car while driving. And I agree that Grandma's always had solutions. : )

Although I don't totally dislike dogs, I am more of a cat person. So when I see a car full of dogs, my first thought is usually, "Ew, it must really smell doggy in there. And all the hair!" Ha ha! My cats don't like to ride in the car. They yowl all the way to the vet every time they need a rabies shot.

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