Weekend FreeWrite: Three Is Not A Crowd

Hi There 😊

And here we go again!! I have allowed my imagination to skip and frolic in a twisted ramble. It can't be helped when the 1st sentence of @mariannewest's #weekendfreewrite is... uncommon to say the least. So, brace yourself for some peculiar. Here we go...

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She loved both her husbands

It didn't matter what people said when they walked down the street. They called her husbands monsters and her, a freak. The people laughed nervously sometimes, but most times they just got as far away as possible. People had always avoided her, even before her two husbands, so she didn't let it bother her. What really mattered was what they felt for each other. All three of them.

She remembered when she first brought them home to introduce them to the family. She had just told her parents, that she had met her soul mates and she would be coming home for a visit. Her parents, didn't ask too many questions as if they knew they wouldn't like the answers. She had always surprised them, mostly shocked them with her choices in life.

So when she came home with her two husbands, they reacted exactly the way she had expected. They peeped through the hole when she rang the doorbell then pretended they weren't home.They wouldn't even answer the phone. She wanted to shout so loud that all the neighbours would come out and why not? She knew they were all watching from their windows anyways. But her two husbands wouldn't let her. And when they walked away, with their arms around her, she knew that everything would be alright. None of this mattered.

She thought of that special day. The feeling was beyond anything she had ever felt. Sitting on the beach, talking talking talking. First watching the sun set and then rise. It was the most perfect day and that's when she knew that she would say yes. They talked it over. They talked about everything. No secrets. How she felt, if she would be able to accept them the way they were, the stares and whispers that would follow... And when she looked at them - one body two heads, she thought she would burst with all the love she had for both of them. Both equal.

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There was a feeling about the place, but it wasn't what you'd expect.

It was meant to be scary but it wasn't. Instead it felt magical. It wasn't a talk about the unknown the future held for this weird combination of people. It was the future the she knew was going to be beautiful. They were going to complete her. She was going to complete them.

That's how she felt when she was them. One was the past and one was the future. And together, they were all present. The past never regretted and complained, it is what it was. And the future never talked about what if's and should be's but allowed it to unfold as it should.

As they watched the sun rise, they instinctively asked , all 3 of them.... at the same time. Let's be together forever.... And again instinctively, they all answered in unison YES. They laughed at how perfect they were for each other.

Her two husbands had never met someone who was able to take them as they were. So far it had been out of curiosity, and even if they felt anything at all, at the end the stares and whispers always got to them. The snide remarks, and hateful words always chased them away. She knew all the hurt and pain her two husbands had gone through and now they had found each other, everything was sublime.

Her two husbands' mum who had died when they turned 16 as she already knew she would, held them close just before she wandered off into the unknowns. She told them they would find someone who would love them for who they were, and she even mentioned it would be sealed between sunset and sunrise.

She had heard this story from her two husbands, many many times, and she never tired of it. Again, she 'd say and they would tell her the story, over and over again. The story would wash over her like a mystical veil, enveloping her with magic and wonder and she always felt more than heard.

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the stamp on the envelope

And when they exchanged their vows, everything in their universe aligned. It may sound so trivial and common but she felt it was like the stamp on the envelope. The last thing needed to take a letter all the way to its destination.

She and her two husbands. didn't mind the people and all the name calling. The knew everything and everyone had providence. They, together would float in warmth and bliss, without getting entangled in the hate for they did not feel the malevolence. They preserved their love for each other in an impenetrable bubble.

Even when they were intimate, it wasn't singular. It felt inevitable, like it was always meant to be. It was beautiful. And something this beautiful, could only magnify. And today wold be the day, she told them.

She sat them down, and she instinctively knew they knew. How could they not, they were connected, and one already knew it was coming even before she did. He looked at his other, and immediately there was no need for words. But they waited eagerly anyways.

She was carrying their baby. She said it calmly even though from the furthest corner of her mind, she could feel a slight alarm which she had kept at bay. Her two husbands looked at her, knowing that there was more. There were two of them she said and they smiled knowingly. Yet they seemed excited, as if they were just finding out. And she couldn't finish what the doctor had told her with terror in his eyes. The babies were exactly like her two husbands. They had two heads each.

There were 2 bodies and 4 heads growing inside her. And even though she could feel the fear she saw in the doctor's eyes, and she knew her two husbands knew, she rested her head on their shoulder as they pulled her close to them.

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If you would like to give FreeWrite a go, do check out either the Daily FreeWrites or The Weekend FreeWrites. Both will give your brains a good rattle and shake. The Weekend FreeWrite would be just that extra jolt that will spew stories you never knew you had in you.... haha... So for your wordy adventure go check out @mariannewest or @freewritehouse.


’Til we meet again over text, pics, videos, maybe even coffee - Steem On!!



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That is definitely not what I expected the pregnancy to be like. Yikes! Double conjoined twins.

Nice twist.

Glad you enjoyed it @kchitrah 😊....

I love the twists these freewrites take us on.

Conjoined twins - changes the whole piece for me.

hahaha... me too... I surprise myself every single time and absolutely love it.... 😊

Wow. You tied those together so well. Great twist. And the emotions were delivered effectively. I cringes reading about the parents. Thank you.

Glad you enjoyed reading this twisted tale 😊

What an interesting piece of story, I enjoyed it! So sad and beautiful.

Glad you enjoyed the story 😊

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