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RE: Do Over: What Would You Choose? (Weekend Freewrite)

in #weekendfreewrite6 years ago

howdy there @byn! well well well..hey this story didn't end did it? Is that the beginning or the end? you need to write this story so we can find out if this plan of hers works! time travel stories always confuse me but I know you can do it! lol


I really need to stop writing here every day and go write some full out books with all of the ideas in my head! I tend to lose most of my readers completely when I try to do a series on here.

I hope you do write more on this. I don't know about losing readers. The one with the girls in the basement was so captivating I kept looking for the next part!
Anyway, it's time for the new prompt!
Happy writing!

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The one with the girl in the basement, I took off of steemit because I'm writing it out as a full length novel to publish. I tend to get maybe 3-4 people who read the series and everyone else mostly drops off the face of the planet, including on other posts that I post around the same times as the series. It just doesn't work well here.

Which is fine. I was needing a kick in the butt to work on some full length stuff and finally try my hand at publishing and full length books that I've been wanting to do for as long as I can remember!

howdy @byn..really? you LOSE readers when you do series, I thought you would pick up readers! wow. people are stupid. ever notice that?
lol but most on Steemit are smart and savvy, makes ME feel stupid so I don't understand that.
can you do both? write here AND write books?

Lol. I know, right? I think people miss the first few parts and immediately just feel like they can't keep up.

I am TRYING to find time to do both, but it's difficult. I'm also looking for a job outside the house so I can actually be helpful on a financial level, so that will really cut down on my writing time. Patrick really wants me to just write because he believes in me, but man, finding the right person to see your work is like winning the lottery I think! should do a post on the trials of trying to get your stuff published, I have no idea what that's like or where you'd start! I agree with Patrick and if he says stay home and write then!

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