
Oh byn!!! So good!!!!
Crying here. So sad and so beautiful!!!
The Sunday prompt for you.

And remember, tomorrow, the contest starts!!

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I actually DID remember the contest! :) Thank you for the reminder.

It sounds like you had nightmares about it :)

Ooooooh! Creeeeepy! Well done!

Thank you so much! :)

Mills and Boon meet Dexter. Very entertaining.

Thank you! I only watched a few episodes of Dexter, but he definitely came to mind when I was writing!

Wow, this was mindblowing. As always, amazing writing, but I've come to expect that ;)
There's something so...perverse around this whole story, yet it's so good. I guess it helps that you see things the same way as the characters, you know?
Brilliant work.

Thank you ma'am! This story really flowed, even though when I first saw the prompt, I was just like, "Well, this is going to flop!" because I couldn't really see where it could go until I started writing. I appreciate the compliment so much!

Ohhhh I love this. Funny thing is, I can totally see myself as her. Get rid of them all! That has always been my thinking. :)

Thank you! I appreciate the comment :)

A wonderful ending. they are a perfect match indeed :-)

Thank you so much! It means a lot when a future spouse really fits in with the family ;)

oh this was great! is there more? more parts? I can so see the family's viewpoint. fantastic job!

No more parts to this story, at least at this point. This is just one of my favorite challenges, the weekend freewrites are a GREAT challenge to get me out of my head and just let's me trust the process of creativity as it flows. Thank you for the comment!

You are very gifted @byn! this platform is perfect for you!
here I spend my time trying to get my head together and you love
the challenge to get you OUT of your head! lol. hey it works and works extremely well!

Some family... totally loved the story!

Thank you! The family that slays together... stays together! ;)

Oh wow!!! This story made me smile. To find someone whom you can depend on to help rid the world of evil... that's something special!!! Very cool freewrite!

Right? Soul mates do exist! :)

Exactly reminded me of Dexter!!
Dexter with a girlfriend!
Love it!!

Ha! Someone else commented about that as well. I have only seen a couple of those episodes, yeeears ago, but they apparently stayed with me, because Dexter definitely came to mind while I was writing! Thanks for the comment!

You are most welcome!

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