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RE: Weekend Freewrite ∠(^ー^)- Three Separate Prompts, One Story - The Family Business

in #weekendfreewrite6 years ago

After today I won't be able to talk to anyone named Margaret without picturing them spitting...
Well done with this story! Too bad there wasn't a convenient cat around. Drug dealers in stories often think that the THUD was a cat. Then he could have made his escape. Now he's stuck having to work with his father...

While snacking on a tasty piece of Snook Fruit, I came across a delicious little platter of prompts left by the Goddess Marianne. As tempted as I was to keep them to myself, they looked too scrumptious not to share.

Freewrite Prompt - Day 108


Thank you!
Ohhhhhh..... Nice idea! *gives thumbs ups. As a cat lover, I should try to incorporate cats into all my stories, if possible.... They make life more interesting :)

Wah!!!! Just saw today's prompt.... They're challenging! Thanks for sending it my way! :)

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