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RE: Games You Played Over The Weekend #6

in #weekend5 years ago (edited)

I've just been grinding steemmonsters

I made it to champion III. I’m take a short break since I ran into a group of people who were farming more points off me then I was off of them! If nothing else I might just do my daily and call it. Hard to get on a winning streak to get up into champ II. Every league I’m just happy I make it this far.

I wish you 3 a lot of fun and winning!

Takes me a while to recover my enthusiasm after a loss

That is why you keep a notepad of toon names ready to go and go make a fresh one right after the death. That way you already have another one and you might as well start leveling it up!

The syndicate are really rippy. I had one map I died 9 times on trying to deal with them. I have since made some gear upgrades where they are easy to deal with now.

I’m starting to stack pile some currency. I might try and play another class at some point. This week I think I’m going work on filling my atlas out and seeing how far I can take my Champion into maps. I did a tier 11 but it was rather slow going. I might have to farm lab to try and get a good helm enchant for Reave damage. No one is selling the helm I like Lightpoacher with it. Even if they did the price would be crazy like one exalt.


Yeah, I stumbled into Champ III and hit the wall, too. No win streak bonus in Champion, not that I often manage multiple consecutive wins. I'm drawing a line under it now; just doing the dailies and waiting for the clock to run down.
I'm thinking of running a softcore char. Often when I do, I delete them after their first death anyway, but I'd like to get a fast ranger into maps. Syndicate/betrayal league mobs are too OP to try again right now. I had 3 real close calls before he died, and all 3 were trying to take down members.

While hardcore has its thrills it is nice to enjoy seeing more parts of the game as well. There is stuff I’ve yet to see myself.

I’m also getting close to uncovering the mastermind in the syndicate. I really hope the loot is crazy in there to make it worthwhile. With how it’s set up it sure has been a grind trying unlock it.

I still feel like I’m missing something major to make it worthwhile. There was a small patch this morning I did not look into what they changed. I’m still hoping they tone them down just a tad as they don’t seem worthwhile for how hard they have been. For all I know though the Master Mind could be just crazy amounts of loot making the whole thing worthwhile.

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