Week Events

in #week5 years ago

I am happy to say I am on the mend from the cold that knocked me for a loop. We have seen a lot happen this week. The UN started its yearly meeting. The leader of Iran made it clear that he doesn't want US warships in his backyard. One of the man guys in the Australian Parliament came to Washington to speak with Trump. They talked about everything but Julian Assange. Okay, a quick recap. Julian Assange is an Australian citizen who received documents about war crimes being committed by our government which he received from Bradley Manning now Chelsea Manning. Chelsae-Bradley is an American Citizen who took documents detailing war crimes committed by our lovely government and shared them with Wikileaks owned by Julian Assange. Julian has a history of exposing corruption in governments across the world. He is currently in a British prison. Putin has declared the possible end of capitalism in Russia.

Russian Priest Who Signed Open Letter in Support of Protesters Says 'Government Threats' Not the Answer


Will Vladimir Putin declare capitalism dead too?
Читайте больше на http://www.pravdareport.com/opinion/142760-capitalism/

View from The Hill: To go to China you have to be invited: Morrison


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