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RE: Weed💚 Challenge - WINNER + WeedReview = New👁Guess for Yall!🚀WIN 5 SBD💸

in #weedchallenge7 years ago

Love it and I love you to bro! All the positive feedback coming my way is really cool and of course much appreciated!

I wanna talk with #whaleshares people for a while now... Ty for the info!

I checked your challenge and it looks sweet, if you do not mind I would like the chance to host it!

My idea is to make a "Challenge Station" ACCOUNT, and hopefully this will become the NO.1 "busstop" for every @minnow to participate! And any other members are more then welcome, also to just check on some coolz stuff and show some support even tho the did not join in, you dig bro?

We will talk soon, Discord?



What is your name on Discord? BTW you have green light to go on with the TV Show Picture Quiz Contest and talk to @akrid to get Whaleshare sponsoring. Let me know if you need a new logo for the TV Show Picture Quiz Contest.

Brotha hello again!

Superb I was just talking with @akrid!

kid4life#7262 is me at Discord:) Lets chat :))

Cheers! ;)

Okay cool c ya on discord brother ;)

will be on Discord in about 2 hours bro... :))

Okay cool see you then (:

Ohhh yes I would be HONORED and very happy if you host the TV show picture quiz challenge. I think it is a very cool challenge but like I said before I have no time to do it more. If you like a new logo for it I would have no problem to make you one just let me know.

Damn that sounds very sweet with the Challenge Station ACCOUNT and I am sure that it will become the No.1 busstop for every minnow. You have my full support on that one.

My name on Discord is the same like here on steemit just add me as friend and the chat can start my brother.

Thank you very much for all the love!!!

Much love back :)



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