Why so many Chemicals allowed on Government of Canada Cannabis ? Is this stuff safe to consume ?

in #weedcash5 years ago (edited)

Why so many pesticides allowed on Government of Canada Cannabis ? Am I reading this right ? Is this safe to smoke ?

I think it is safer to Grow your own 4 plants. What are people smoking these days ?

This is the Weed that will be flowing into the USA from Canada via Acreage Holdings and Canopy Growth ...
I have no idea why this is being allowed. Is there a UN, World Government plan to wipe out the Youth ? Is this the Big Plan to depopulate the Earth ? Am I Paranoid ? Smoking too much High THC government weed ? https://business.financialpost.com/cannabis/canopy-growth-is-near-a-deal-to-acquire-acreage-holdings

Just look at #2 on the list.... Acephate ... you want to smoke this ?



Source: http://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/acephagen.pdf

Health Canada Approved Chemicals on Legal Cannabis: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/drugs-health-products/cannabis-testing-pesticide-list-limits.html






This is another one I checked.... (from the list of 96 approved Chemicals on Cannabis)


Toxicity Summary:

Carbofuran is an N-methyl carbamate (NMC) pesticide. Like other pesticides in this class, the primary toxic effect seen following carbofuran exposure is neurotoxicity resulting from inhibition of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE). AChE breaks down acetylcholine (ACh), a compound that assists in transmitting signals through the nervous system. Carbofuran inhibits the AChE activity in the body. When AChE is inhibited at nerve endings, the inhibition prevents the ACh from being degraded and results in prolonged stimulation of nerves and muscles.

Physical signs and symptoms of carbofuran poisoning include headache, nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, excessive perspiration, salivation, lacrimation (tearing), vomiting, diarrhea, aching muscles, and a general feeling of severe malaise. Uncontrollable muscle twitching and bradycardia (abnormally slow heart rate) can occur. Severe poisoning can lead to convulsions, coma, pulmonary edema, muscle paralysis, and death by asphyxiation.

Carbofuran poisoning also may cause various psychological, neurological and cognitive effects, including confusion, anxiety, depression, irritability, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, short-term memory loss, persistent fatigue, and blurred vision.

The most sensitive and appropriate effect associated with the use of carbofuran is its toxicity following acute exposure. Acute exposure is defined as an exposure of short duration, usually characterized as lasting no longer than a day. EPA classifies carbofuran as Toxicity Category I, the MOST TOXIC toxic category, based on its potency by the oral and inhalation exposure routes.

The lethal potencies of chemicals are usually described in terms of the "dose" given orally or the "concentration" in air that is estimated to cause the death of 50 percent of the animals exposed (abbreviated as LD50 or LC50). Carbofuran has an oral LD50 of 7.8-6.0 mg/kg, and an inhalation LC50 of 0.08 mg/L ....

The lethal dose and lethal concentration levels for the oral and inhalation routes fall well below the limits for the Toxicity Category I, < 50 mg/kg and < 0.2 mg/L, respectively. Carbofuran has a steep dose-response curve. In other words, a marginal increase in administered doses of carbofuran can result in a significant change in the toxic effect. For example, carbofuran data in juvenile rats (postnatal day 11 and 17) demonstrate that small differences in carbofuran doses (0.1 mg/kg to 0.3 mg/kg) can change the measured effect from significant brain and red blood cell (RBC) AChE inhibition without clinical signs (0.1 mg/kg) to significant AChE inhibition, and resultant tremors, and decreased motor activity (0.3 mg/kg). In other words there is a slight difference in exposure levels that produce no noticeable outward effects and the level that causes adverse effects. This means that small differences in human exposure levels can have significant adverse consequences for large numbers of individuals. ...The difference between the amount of food with carbofuran residues that can be safely consumed without adverse effect, and the amount that provides a dose that exceeds safe levels is minimal. Children who consume typical amounts of watermelon (i.e., 8 grams) containing carbofuran residues of 0.009 ppm-a residue level detected in PDP data--receive a safe daily dose, but those consuming the same amount of watermelon with a PDP residue level of 0.013 receive an exposure of 134% of the safe daily dose.

Source: https://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search/a?dbs+hsdb:@term+@DOCNO+1530


It seems like this cannabis is useful in health aspect more than people can see it

Natural, organic home grown without any pesticides or chemicals would have benefits,..... the stuff the government is selling is deadly looking at the list of pesticides they allow.

Ya, this is “safe” legal weed. It would be a joke if it wasn’t so serious. It’s just like “safe” government food, or government wars for “ safety”. This idea of safety provided by government has always been used to control us through fear.

This is the Weed that will be flowing into the USA via Acreage Holdings and Canopy Growth .... I think Canada is to kill everyone who smokes Legal Weed. https://business.financialpost.com/cannabis/canopy-growth-is-near-a-deal-to-acquire-acreage-holdings

Same limits that Oregon and Washington both have listed.

Grow your own and know it doesn't have pesticides in it!

Maybe they also use all these pesticides on all our food ? Maybe that is why so many people die of Cancer these days.... I think I want to grow all my own everything if that is the case.

Absolutely that's why you have to wash your food when you bring it home from the grocery store.

And if it is a systemic pesticide it is inside the cells of the plant now

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This is crazy..... I had no idea.

Wow just wow. But totally true!

And this is why medical home growing is way better.

Government weed that has been mass produced is bottom of the quality. And risky as to the pesticides allowed...

Oh the testing on the package doesn't tell you what is in there and what it tested at.....

These companies are under enormous pressure to sell sell sell... to pump up the stocks and keep the Board of Directors and Shareholders happy. If they miss Profit Estimates the stock price falls and they look bad when they are interviewed by Cramer..... so they will do whatever it takes to pump out the weed. I think quality is the 1st thing to go. It’s all driven by numbers.., revenue, profits, and taxes.

When you were talking about it a large company like this they have really no idea about standards of quality and care because like you're saying it's all about the paperwork.

And worst part is that our testing equipment really isn't that accurate. Just testing for THC there is a 10% discrepancy in the testing reports from samples of the same exact plant

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The only Cannabis or Hemp (THC/CBD) that I would consume is Home grown.... .... add nothing but existing soil, sun, rain, and organic mulch. (Ie: clover for nitrogen) the way God intended things to grow.

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