My Experience with WEED

in #weedcash5 years ago

I first came to know seriously about weed when I was in High School, a lot of guys at my school smoked pot and many of them were friends of mine, now here in Honduras that was illegal and could get you in jail, but these guys used to smoke at school and any time they could they would go to a river and just hang out there and smoke.

Everybody thought I was smoking weed at that time because I was always around these guys but the truth is I never did, I just didn't like the idea of smoking it, I smoked cigarettes and used to drink but no weed, I just had the fame that you get when people think you are something you are not, but that was OK with me I didn't mind.

Then I went off to college and I tried it once there, I used to live in an apartment with three other guys two smoked one didn't. Well one day we were having a few beers and the other non smoker said that if I smoked some weed he would also, so we agreed and he and I smoked one joint. Ok I really felt weird and I figured my eyes were popping out.

And then a girl I liked came for a visit and I was sure she just had to look at me and she would know I had smoked and that would be the end for me with that girl. Well she left and I was left all paranoid and then I got all sleepy and felt kind of dumb. So I went to sleep and when I woke up I swore I wouldn't try it again.

Fast forward nearly forty years and now I sometimes take a weed tea because unlike back then you were supposed to think more clearly or you were left feeling cool or any of the other benefits guys who smoked said they got I just do it now because it actually helps me sleep. Now I don't do it too often because weed is still illegal here, you can still go to jail and obtaining it is not that easy.

So in essence I do believe and actually know that weed does have its benefits, so I am OK with it, it really is a medicinal herb so just keep using it.


Here in Canada is now legal.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes I have read about that, not here though, I guess having it illegal is a good income for the police.

You’ve been visited by @vibesforlife on behalf of Natural Medicine!

Ok we fall in same category, I know about it but have never tried it, also heard the same - great deal of medicinal benefits

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