A Chance To Grab Some CBD From The Vending Machine Before You Fly

in #weedcash5 years ago (edited)

The Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is the busiest passenger airport in the world.

This airport welcomed more than 100 million passengers last year alone and it has held that title, of world's busiest airport, for more than 20 years thanks to the ongoing amount of traffic that they see.

This airport, like many others, already has a variety of vending machines that offer a wide range of goods for travelers today. You can find everything from electronics, to food, clothing, even one that sells wi-fi hot spots.

Now, they are also going to offer more CBD products, with the introduction of a new CBD vending machine for travelers.

The vending machine is being launched by the company HempFusion and it is known as the first of its kind, a smart CBD vending machine, that is expected to be running until Dec 15th of this year.

The machine is going to offer HempFusion sample products that are marketed as being able to help travelers deal with the stress of the holidays and their journey.

The samples are available to anyone over the age of 18 and they are available from 8am to 8pm for the next several weeks.

For anyone who wants a sample they are required to answer a questionnaire using the touchscreen of their machine, answering questions about travel details and providing other information etc. Based on their travel stress they are then going to receive a sample of the product.

The CBD vending machine is being referred to as the first CBD vending machine of its kind that has been placed in a major airport in the United States. There have been other cannabis-related vending machines, that you can find at various dispensaries etc, but now they are coming to airports too. Also, this isn't the first time that CBD has become available at the airport in Atlanta either, we might expected that the introduction of CBD products to more airports could continue to grow.

But for travelers who are going to regions that still strictly prohibit these sorts of products, they need to keep that in mind.

"This whole hemp, CBD thing can be very technical and confusing, and we just wanted to make it fun,... That's the whole idea of this Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson kickoff of our airport campaign... is to simply make education fun and expose people to who HempFusion is. But, even more important that that hemp and CBD are valuable and for good reason," - HempFusion co-founder and president J. Mitchell

The TSA previously updated their policy earlier this year, to assert that it was allowed for passengers to travel with FDA-approved medications that contain hemp-derived CBD. But that doesn't mean that you still might not have a problem.

There is still a lot of confusion surrounding cannabis products and CBD specifically, which could potentially land people in trouble who are trying to travel with these sorts of substances, even if they might be medicinal or contain little to no THC.

pic3 CBS

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@doitvoluntarily, Looks like with time Airports adopting the changes and following the Trend. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi, I recently read an article that says you are accepted to the white list of reggae. And for me it was not expected that you would write a minus on reggae. I like your work, everything will be fine. Have a nice day. Always happy to help.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

not sure what writing a minus means? 🤷

I understand the Google translator mistranslated the meaning of my comments..

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Another post that has nothing to do with Jamaica, the Caribbean, Reggae music, etc. and is instead about a vending machine at the airport in Atlanta.

Why do you think it is okay that you can post off-topic and abuse the JAHM tag?

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

as you have been told before, the regsteem account approved cannabis-related posts. If you have an issue with that I suggest you take it up with them and I would welcome clear instruction from them informing me that my cannabis-related posts are no longer welcome.

For now, and unfortunately for you, you alone don't get to decide what is acceptable for the community or the tag, and clearly the community disagrees with you. 😊

Posting articles that have nothing to do with Jamaica are NOT okay. Cannabis, Ganja, Rastafarianism, etc are fine if it relates to Jamaica or the Caribbean somehow. ReggaeSteem is for Caribbean/Jamaican content, not to discuss vending machines selling CBD products in Atlanta. I can manage to do Caturday posts without tagging JAHM and there are a lot of Cats in Jamaica.


Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

the official @reggaesteem account has clearly instructed otherwise, telling me that quote "ganja is no problem" aka cannabis general posts, when I asked them if it could be about cannabis or it needed to be jamaica/reg specific. So you can ignore that simple fact and keep repeating yourself like a broken record, or you can take this up with them so that you can be on the same page perhaps? :) until then i will keep posting as I have been told is acceptable to do so under this tag and in this community. Have a good weekend! ✌️

Ganja is no problem and I haven't said anything about your recent cannabis posts. CBD in Atlanta is a stretch. How can we reach a compromise here? My issue that you set an example for ReggaeSteem and by posting things that have very little if anything to do with Carribean culture others start copying you (as they have in the past) and the feed gets flooded with off-topic posts. The team, the ambassadors, and other large stakeholders don't post off-topic, why do you think that you should get a pass?
CBD is not Ganja, it's a chemical compound. While this is a Weed friendly tribe, and in general posting about marijuana is fine, it isn't an anything that is related to cannabis tribe.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Saying cbd isn't cannabis only further demonstrates your ignorance on cannabis. CBD is cannabis related. I don't think you want to seek any compromise, otherwise you would've asked those who you freq communicate with already to support you on this issue and they would've instructed me to keep my cannabis general posts off the platform. They haven't done that yet, If they notice it I hope they chime in because your crusade is rather ridiculous.

if you think others will start copying me, then take that up with them you are punishing me for something that hasn't happened yet. I am not in control of what others do and if you think they will be that inspired by my posts I think you overestimate their influence smh. I have seen you and others post off topic but I don't want to task myself as a police officer of the community and try to tell you what to post. I have better things to do with my time, wish you'd find something to do with yours as well instead of making baseless accusations that I am abusing the tag when I have previously sought out confirmation before posting because I too had the same feelings you did, that perhaps cannabis general posts (including posts about CBD or hemp or hempcrete or anything cannabis-related) might be something not to post there, but reg steem said it was allowed. If you don't like that then ask them on your trip there, i'm sure you can sort it out.

Why haven't you reached out to the authorities behind @reggaesteem and asked them to back you up on this? Are you afraid that they won't? It only takes a moment to seek out that clarification.

CBD is a chemical compound extracted from some types of canabbis plants. Calling CBD cannabis is like calling milk a cow. So quit insulting me, I know the difference between a chemical and a plant.

My issue isn't with Marijuana, I smoked some on Friday. What off topic have I posted asides from curation guidelines related to this forum? Yes others have posted off topic too, they aren't regulars with 200 plus Jahm upvotes from automatic curation and selfvoting. Usually I ignore it.

See my badge, I am ReggaeSteem and don't want to waste others time with this. All I'm asking for is that you tone it down just a little. Some weed posts are okay, but not all. Can we agree on that?

saying that something which is derived from cananbis has nothing to do with cannabis just makes you look like an idiot. Is that why all cbd related posts are not accepted on the weedcash community? Is that why thousands of cannabis companies and websites write extensively about cbd? or sell cbd products etc? Because they have nothing to do with cannabis? you must just be trolling on another level. I don't care what your issue is, you have changed what your issue is over time first it was just cannabis posts, now it's cbd posts. Even now it sounds like it isn't that it was a cbd post solely, but how much jahm it was receiving? Pick an issue and stick with it maybe. You don't comprise the entire regsteem community, they have never sent that message out to the community and are still present leaders who have clearly instructed me to do the opposite of what you are telling me. Oh and you can take me off the whitelist. You cannot give the rule that some weed posts are okay because that is too vague, are you not wise enough to see how? smdh Especially after flagging and bothering me over not posting ANY cannabis posts previously in that community.

I am still waiting for a response from them. If they refuse to get involved in the issue and provide clarity then that too is an answer and I'll take that as my cannabis general posts are not welcome. good thing about it is I won't have to deal with you again 😃

ive asked them about it now, so when I get a response we should be a little clearer on this issue and I suspect we wont' have a problem thereafter, if they tell me it isn't appropriate for the tag I am glad to stop

Greetings, regarding this issue Marijuana is fine but it should relate to to Jamaica or the Caribbean in some way. Most of your posts are like that from what I see, ReggaeSteem is striving to be a hub for Jamaican and Caribbean content. Believe me, I do not mind seeing your posts about Marijuana ( not relating to the Caribbean), they are very informative, but even I myself have to refrain from posting certain content on ReggaeSteem. Sorry if it wasn't clear about the Marijuana posting. Regarding how @crypticat dealt with you, I wish he would have sent you a DM to talk about the issue more in depth before down-voting , if at all. Cat has a way of nipping things in the bud ( pun intended) that seems erratic . It causes friction but it brings clarity. You are one of the best and most consistent creators here and I hope you and @crypticat can come to an understanding. This is not about you, me or Cat, this is about building the ultimate hub for Caribbean content .

Stay blessed and sorry for the negative vibes, Let's keep it IRIE.

thanks for the detailed reply, I don't want to have any further conflict with crypticat so I will stop posting cannabis general posts on the platform for now because it's too triggering for him. Thank you for the feedback on the work, it is much appreciated. I figured even if they weren't caribbean or jamaica specific they could still help drive traffic to the site and were still beneficial in that way, as well as giving community members something to read and interact with and that is one thing I love about the regsteem community is that everyone puts in a lot of effort for genuine interaction. But there is just too much confusion around the cannabis posts for now so I will keep those general posts off the jahm tag unless perhaps clearly reg/caribb related. ✌️🙏 thanks again for the clarification on this

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