Happy 420 Blazers!

in #weed6 years ago

I'm quite disappointed with myself for missing bicycle day yesterday.

But at least I didn't forget about 4/20!

To be honest with you, I prefer acid to weed - it's rare that I'll do either thanks to the mindfuck they both put me through.

But that doesn't mean I shouldn't celebrate international weed day!
After all, weed is the first drug to break the seal; making room for some of the other safe cough pastimes..

Slight problem though.

In the UK it isn't 2018/20/4 today.

It's 4/20/2018.

Does that mean we can't celebrate it?

Of course not!

It's a bad excuse to get more stoned than usual!

What an odd looking piece of vegetation...

As I mentioned before, I don't smoke too often.

It does a number of things to me that just kinda put me on another level.

  • First of all, and most noticeably (to me at least), I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of shitting myself.
  • I trip major balls, seeing patterns, lights and strange dancing creatures.
  • I get paranoid.
  • It keeps me up all night.

It's like a very strong acid trip but for a shorter time period; I'm pretty sure acid changed weed for me. I still enjoy the come-ups though, I get the giggles!


That's not to say I can't enjoy the devil's lettuce!

Cures munchies and the soul at the same time.

Damn straight!

If you ever have a pal who claims they don't like the feeling green gives them, it may be hard to understand, but maybe they just haven't their saving grace: the edible.

Now for some google images results for the search "weedporn"...

I understand this could end badly, but that's a risk I'm willing to take!

Do you see it too? Not quite the worst I was expecting but I'm sure someone's into it.
The modern world is full of things grandpa would disapprove of: rainbow people, drugs, colour photos; why not have all of them!
Is it a blimp? Is it a broccoli? Is it an unusual case of hand fungus? No one knows for certain...
Beautiful. Just absolutely flawless. This was the kind of thing I was expecting. Just look at the craftsmanship on that sign!

Put that away! Have respect for my blog post you cretin!

I think that's enough for one day

It's getting rather musky in here..


Happy 4/20! I didn't know yesterday was bicycle day but today is a great day to get high and ride a bike. Although maybe you shouldn't ride a bike if you are tripping balls from the weed. Thanks for sharing the weed porn.

No bother bro, enjoy!

Blaze it, brothers!

Hey Guys, follow @WeedTime for funny Weed pictures and more 🍁

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