The War on Drugs is Incredibly Fucking Stupid... This Photo Illustrates it Perfectly...

in #weed7 years ago (edited)

So I saw a post from @jout a few minutes ago and it spurred the idea for this post.

@jout had posted a photo of him lying at the intersection of four states. Utah, Colorado, and while I can't make out the rest I would assume probably Arizona and New Mexico.

I had an interesting thought. If @jout were to be holding a joint in his left hand, keep in mind his left is on your right, if he were holding a joint in his left hand that joint is in Colorado, a state where marijuana is legal.

If he were to bring that joint to his lips and hit it, the joint and the marijuana would now be in Utah where marijuana is illegal.

Really think about that, by simply lifting a joint to his lips something that he's doing has the ability to put him in jail and potentially ruin his life.

It really goes to show you how silly it is having laws which make bringing a harmless plant across an imaginary line something which can ruin ones life.

End the war on drugs, legalize it.


I really felt like we were making progress in Illinois with the start of medical marijuana but it seems are still years away....imagine the money that would be gained from taxing it. Ugh.

My girlfriend was going through chemo and radiation for over two years for breast cancer and her doctors and the system in Illinois wouldn't allow her to get medical marijuana because she wasn't stage 4.

All the medications they give you for pain and nausea and to increase your appetite have side effects which you need another dozen drugs to counteract. No exageration I think at one point she was taking over 34 pills a day. Marijuana has none of these complications and actually does a better job. My gf says she couldn't have made it through treatment without the weed.

I personally could care less about what the state thinks and we did what was best for her which is weed but I feel for people who don't have a connection or don't have the ability to get it themselves.

Wow, so sorry to hear that. I absolutely agree. I remember hearing a rumor that it was going to be on the 2018 ballot. I hope thats true. Its kinda like crypto..its going to be mainstream /legal eventually....they need to be more forward thinking and listen to most of the people in this country that enough is enough.

Thank you, she's been in remission for over a year now so things are going good for us.

What's really silly about the whole thing is well over 50% of Americans agree it should be legal. Very few things you can get that kind of agreement on. Add to that, that it's very clear nobody in our country respects the drug laws hence everyone posting themselves on social media and what have you smoking weed and breaking the law, celebrities smoking weed, what's the point of having a law which nobody respects or follows, especially with the type of tax money it could bring in.

Are you in Illinois as well? While it would be a great revenue generator for our state anyone in Illinois I think realizes the money would be used inefficiently and somehow find its way into the politicians pockets and campaign funds as opposed to helping the poor, improving schools, etc but it could potentially help us get out of debt.

Yeah I live in Chicago. Im just looking at what Colorado has done with the money... and we should use them as an example of how to better the community from the tax revenue from it. One can dream right? lol

Literally all of my high school and college friends smoke it. Why can't they go ahead and legalize it? I'd prefer my friends to smoke it in style with brands, than to illegally smoke it.

Talk to big Pharma and greedy politicians who take whatever handouts they can. Mass incarceration is the new Jim Crow law(s).

Things are moving in the right direction.. but slowly.


You bring up a very good point..this even brings up the relevance of any law that does not have anything to do with theft or violent crime.
The stupidly is also clever for the Prison industrial complex...its possible that @jout broke a dumb law in at least in one of those states for just laying there
Cool post

I would love to see the science the DEA and justice department used throughout the 80s til present day debunked and proven to be falsified as a means of public scare tactic.... and then the agents and "scientists" prosecuted for crimes against humanity for pushing a big pharma agenda resulting in opioid epidemics, chronic pain bankrupting the masses, and suppressing actual research on a PLANT that could benefit humanity on many different levels.

Makes no sense to me why do people think they have the responsibility to protect others? Even if they have to violate their rights, I mean if you do heroin which I think is a bad idea, but it doesn't effect me it effects you, just like touching a stove is a bad idea but I can't go into your house and take your stove! The war on drugs is actually a war on people. Drugs are never the problem they can't do anything people are the problem. Some people might kill for weed but that's not weeds fault that's the person's fault so let's not make weed illegal let's just keep violence illegal!

You should be able to do whatever you want as long as you aren't doing any harm to anyone else. Weed was legalized here recently for people with chronic illness but it will take 2 years to come into effect. There is also going to be a public vote in the next couple of years on weather it should be legalized for personal use. Hopefully it goes through, I'm not a big smoker but would be cool to have a few cones on a Friday night or something. It is weird though how it is legal in some parts of the US and illegal in some parts. Do you get in much trouble for personal use there? here most police would turn a blind eye or give you a warning at the worst but still annoying.

drugs destroy a man gradually........

Every man has a right to choose, and every man also has the right to experience the consequences of his choices. END THE WAR ON DRUGS!

The war on drugs destroys people instantly.

The term drug is a very vague one. Caffeine is a drug, aspirin is a drug, sugar is a drug. I would argume MJ is much less harmful than many "drugs" you consume on a regular basis. Shit Marijuana is safer than peanuts...

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