Day 10 of Not Smoking Weed, After about 10 years of smoking weed all the time.

in #weed7 years ago


In two hours I will reach day 10 of not smoking weed which is a very big accomplishment for me personally.

Recently I decided to quit smoking weed as it was becoming an extremely large vice and quite the addiction. I've been selling weed for 8 years now and so I always rationalized the weed I smoked to be "free"

I blazed bong, spliffs, and vape, but mostly bong as its the fastest way to get the job done; and my tolerance has always been quite high (excuse the pun).

I always thought that weed was making me happier; giving me more appetite and making me sleep better.

My appetite has actually increased since I stopped smoking weed. I can confidently say that i am much happier, my head feels more clear. I also feel like the days are longer. I feel like I have a lot more time to do things like clean my room, cook food, go to the gym, post on social media etc.

Now im not here to shit on weed. It has a lot of medical benefits and is very fun to do and is a good social activities for friends. It also made me sleep like a baby which is one thing i still miss a bit, but im willing to sacrifice because of the benefits I am enjoying from not smoking weed.

Weed like everything is good in moderation. I was NOT MODERATING MYSELF. I was smoking weed every morning before breakfast, and every night before bed, and whenever I felt like it in between.

I still managed to get a bachelors degree in marketing from Ryerson University and I also owned and operated a landscaping company for 5 years called Get-It-Green which was quite successful.

I wasn`t your typical stoner, most people wouldn't even notice I was high because I would act normally; probably because I couldn't get myself that high because of my tolerance.

Still the biggest problem was that I always wanted to smoke weed. I would find excuses not to do other things like go to the gym or hang out with friends so that I could spend more time smoking weed and chilling alone.

My best friend Marc started to get a little bit worried for me and encouraged me to slow down on the ganja. I took it one step further and decided to quit cold turkey in order to see how addicted to weed I was.

I relapsed both Saturday and Sunday roughly two weeks ago. I wasn`t proud of myself, in fact I was ashamed.... I had told myself I would quit smoking weed and then hours later I would be high because I literally couldn't stop myself.

I always thought of myself of having strong willpower, and this showed me just how dependent on marijuana I was. I tried again on Monday and struggled the whole day wanting to smoke weed but made it through.

Day 2 was much easier. Day 3-5 were very easy for me. On day day 6 I visited my girlfriend and broke up with her within 4 hours of being with her; police were called; see prior post if interested.

I really wanted to smoke weed to get rid of that stress but I remebered how much happier I was without it so I was able to stop myself. I chugged a couple tall boys and went out with Marc clubbing later that night.

I didn't get into the club because i wasn't dressed fashionably enough for it..... I went home without the group we left and once again really wanted to smoke weed. I was a little bit drunk, but mostly just angry.

I then remembered my post about how I should never be angry for any reason basically.

An evil voice in my head was saying go ahead smoke weed one time; you wont have to tell anyone no one will know.

I decided I would message Marc and let him know that I really wanted to smoke weed. He told me not to do it and instead to drive over to an after party where alll the people who went clubbing were hanging out ( on more serious drugs than weed).

I had sobered up that time and so around 2 am I drove over to see all the friends we went clubbing with. I had a lot of energy and enjoyed being sober interacting with more inebriated people. I was actually able to fill up my mini van to max capacity(7) and I dropped each one of them off at their houses; getting back to my house by 6 am.

I was happy to do them all a favor and I wouldn't accept any financial compensation from any of them; even though they offered which made me feel all the better about rejecting the cash.

In just 10 days of soberness I feel a lot better physically. I also feel like I am being a better person which is definitely very high on my list of goals. I am so happy that I quit, I know that if I do ever start smoking weed again I will do a much better job of moderating my weed intake.

I never realized quite how addicted I was until I seriously tried to quit.

Now that I have quit there is no doubt in my mind that I am more productive on a daily basis. The funny thing is i`m also much happier on a daily basis; yet I thought smoking weed was making me happy.

Thanks for reading.

I love you all.

P.s Attached Is all the crystals I saved in the span of 6 months xDWIN_20170620_22_29_56_Pro.jpg


Bg neu dollar lon singoe na loe itamong, jih peunteng pakek cara mita peng bek gadoeh repost mantong seumak tau lon yg peunteng peng bg hana suah laen.
Kokomen pu yg galak kuh bah itamong dolar yg akun loen laen cit hana kupike sapu lam uleee peng sabee
Ahhahahaha bah bagah kaya kuh ahhahaha
Kucang pu yg galak kuh meuah boeh bg.

Right on, man. Weed is not suited for everyone and I think it takes a lot to be able to take a look at your life and see what you can do to fine tune it. Like you- I'm able to go to a party and get along completely fine along side "partiers". There's really nothing to it if you know how to enjoy yourself.

Congratulations and here's to 10 more!!

good for you man, i hope you don't relapse again this time. wish you the best.

I don`t think I will or can. The next time I decide to smoke weed it will be because I want to not because I am insanely addicted. Although the goal is 30 days minimum.

Thanks For your support :)

By the way, if you do not know why your eyes become red from smoking, then you should read an interesting article here a lot of interesting and efficient written I think you can find a lot of things for yourself there, but see for yourself as they say and study too)

thanks for the good article

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