Wednesday Walk: Back to the Farm for Peach Picking!

Hey there folks!  I hope everyone is having a great week so far!  No complaints here as we had a few really nice days that were a bit cooler (relatively speaking) than normal July weather in Atlanta.  Since it was so nice and I had a light training day on Monday, @dksart and I were able to head back down to Southern Belle Farm to do peach picking!  We had gone twice already this year for strawberries and blackberries, but I had been itching to go for peaches.  Up until Monday I was a peach-picking newbie.

Since I know @tattoodjay likes a nice stroll, I'll put this under his #wednesdaywalk tag to help encourage others to get out and explore their neighborhood and get some activity!  (Check out more here)  I believe I did another post with the same farm under this tag, but it is too pretty not to share again.  Plus we have some different scenery in the orchard.  This time around @dksart brought his camera, so this post has a mixture of pictures from both his camera and my phone.  I have permission to share, though definitely check out his page to see some of the other neat photos he took. :)

We did actually start out getting another bucket of blackberries.  I wasn't sure if they had any left, so we made sure to hit the berries first in order to be able to fill up a bucket.

I think they got quite picked over last week with the 4th of July holiday.  There was a good bit of unripened berries that will probably be perfect in a few days!

I had to get deep into some of the bushes, so I definitely got a little bit of a workout. ;)

But once you found some, they were juicy and delicious!  It took us a few rows, but we finally found one that had plenty of ripe blackberries.  I was tempted to try for a second bucket but didn't want to be stingy since there were other people trying to get these beauties, as well.

On to the peaches!  The orchard was just a short walk over from the blackberry patch.  There definitely was not any shortage of these.  The farm has been doing a great deal of pick two bags, get one free because the peaches are just falling off of the trees!

It is quite a beautiful and peaceful place.  Since we went on a Monday it was pretty slow.  There was a group with about 10 kids, but they sounded pretty well behaved.  For the most part @dksart and I were pretty well alone in fruity heaven.

I'll give you one guess who was doing most of the work again. ;)

I was having a good time, though, and he was in his element snapping some neat pictures.  All smiles when surrounded by nature on a pretty day.

We got our 3 full pecks easily to go along with our hard-earned blackberries.  It doesn't seem like a whole lot when you look at the bags, but once I got them home and weighed them it turned out to be about 35 pounds of peaches right here!

No need for a workout in the gym when you can get outside and do a farm workout.  I always have a much better appreciation of how hard our farmers have to work after spending a few hours picking my own food.

After paying for our haul, we took a stroll over to the other side of the farm where they do a lot of activities for the kids.  Big kids, too. ;)

That's about all for this visit!  I hope you guys enjoyed the walk around the farm.  If I end up getting through my mounds of peaches before the season is over perhaps we will make one more visit.  In just a few months apple season will be starting, so if nothing else we will definitely head up to another great picking spot then.  I'm pretty much ruined for store-bought fruit now, haha!


Oh wow! So goh got peaches and blackberries? Looks like you had a beautiful day Katie. Wonderful photos too 🍑😊🍇

Yes! I wasn't sure if we'd be able to get blackberries this time, so I was really happy we were able to get a bucket!

oh how great that you can go pick your own fruit!! Genius idea! Hope you enjoyed your day =)

We very much did! I'm so happy u-pick is so popular here. There are quite a few farms that offer the option. I am sure it has pros and cons from their perspective, but I am so happy to be able to go right out and pay for fruit right off the tree. It is great to see the kids out there for field trips, too. I think it is wonderful for the little ones to really learn where food comes from since there is such a disconnect anymore. I can't wait to bring my niece. :)

Looks like a very good trip/walk and those berries look awesome..of course the peaches do also!! "I'll give you one guess who was doing most of the work again"!! Terrific post @plantstoplanks and now I must put peaches on my grocery list! ;)

Haha, to be fair it was my idea so I guess I should be doing more of the work! ;)

Oh my goodness, so lucky are you :) What a wonderful orchard, the peaches and will have so much fun with those. Love it that you have such close access to so many luscious fruits! Enjoy @plantstoplanks!

We are very lucky! I don't know why I haven't taken this much advantage before now, but then again I think I have a few less training clients right now so I've had more time. Definitely time well spent!

You've taken some amazing photos, my favorite ones are the blackberries pics!

Thanks so much! I think most of those were from my boyfriend's camera, so gotta give @dksart the credit for those! He posted a great one yesterday of a dragonfly perched on top of one of the bushes that was fantastic. :)

What a cool walk and a good load of peaches I remember helping my MUm to bottle PEaches, well Maybe i helped more with the UN bottling and eating them throughout the year LOL

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk tip!

It's nice to slow it down and smell the peaches on occasion. Very much enjoying at least one weekly walk in the midst of running and other exercise. :) I enjoy both the processing and eating of the fruit, as well. I made some quick jam yesterday and it was delicious!

@plantstoplanks OHhh send me some of that Jam I love Homemade peach Jam LOL

Self picked food always taste better! What will you do with all those peaches and blackberries?

I'm glad to see that you had a wonderful day outside! :)

It was so nice to have a day that actually felt pretty pleasant outside! I was sweating and stinking by the time we were done but it was so worth it.

I already made a chia jam with peaches and a baked oatmeal with both. Thinking of getting some tomatoes from the farmers market to do peach salsa. I'll definitely freeze some, and see what I can come up with for the rest!

I definitely want the recipe for peach salsa!!! 😊

Ohhhh I really envy you! I want those bags of peaches!! It looks like you had a great time! I also had a similar time when I was in Canada. I was for cherries picking in Okanagen! It was a great experience. I have to post it some day! Hugs and cheers from Romania

It is such a great way to spend an afternoon. I grew up going strawberry picking with my grandfather, so it always makes me think of him. I think my niece should be old enough next year to take or maybe even for apple picking this fall. I would love to see your cherry picking experience! 🍒

I was so jealous when you mentioned you were going peach picking! These are fabulous shots my gosh! I think going fruit picking is one of my favorite things to do. I have never picked peaches or blackberries personally but it looks like it would be a ton of fun and smell so wonderful. Peaches are easily my daughters favorite fruit so she would adore this. Thanks so much for sharing this experience.

I think I've made a few people a bit envious! I am so happy to take advantage of what we have available right now. Gives us a good opportunity to get outside and then we have beautiful fresh fruit to enjoy. It's a lot of work to work with all of it before it starts going bad, but if nothing else I know I'll have plenty to freeze for smoothies or to put on pancakes. Your daughter definitely has good taste in fruit! 😊

That's a nice harvest! We are still expecting the blackberries to ripen here in the UK. And Farm workout sounds lovely!

Thanks! I hope you get lots of lovely berries when they come in season by you! We've got just a little while longer here before the season will end so I'm trying to make the most of it. :)

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