Wednesday Walk

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago

This is my post for #wednesdaywalk hosted by @tattoodjay

A walk around my yard.

My bananas are getting ripe, I love them they are a lot sweeter and flavorful than the ones you buy in the stores. I think because they pick them so green they do not have time to get sweet.


This is my butternut squash, it had a female flower open but no male flower so I took a male flower off the Seminole squash and mated it with the female butternut, I hope this will work but if I plant the seeds there is no telling what I will get. It should be interesting.


I do have one butternut that developed.


I drilled more holes in my sandflea bucket and my husband came home and seen it, he thinks the holes are to big. I do not think they are to big. We will see who is right. He was talking about going to get fleas tomorrow, I do not want to go because I have to cook Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe he will change his mind.


A few years ago I brought this coconut home from the beach, I threw it on the ground over our septic tank and it started growing and I could not let it grow there so I planted it in a big pot.


Some people call this lipstick plant, I call it firecracker plant. When the old fish house closed in 2005 after the hurricanes took most of it out, I dug up this plant, Granny Smith planted the first one when they opened in 1932.


This is firebush hummingbirds and butterflies
love it.


This is bluebells they look purple to me but I am not the one that named it.


This is decorative ginger


This is a camellia, my youngest daughter was very sick and I had to take her to Jacksonville to the Mayo Clinic. There was an old cemetery behind the place where we were staying and it had camellias planted around it. I clipped a small cutting on one of the limbs that was too long. I do not think it is stealing when I know the landscape person will cut it off and throw them away. That is my reasoning.


Here is a desert rose that I have made a Bonsai out of.


This one is a cherry jubilee alamanda



Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

@tattoodjay You're welcome. have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

You have quite the green thumb @my job.

How wonderful to have your own bananas. The lipstick plant is lovely

Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃 💕

@redheadpei thank you, we use to have a plant nursery, kind of still do but we only grow one type of palm. Yes, I love the firecracker too. Does Canada celebrate Thanksgiving? If not or if so Happy Thanksgiving anyway.

Our Thanksgiving is earlier on October 13. this year.

Thanks for the greetings anyway, 😊 🙏

Have you ever seen red banana ?

@thesobuz No, but I would love to see one or better yet have one. I will google red bananas. thank you.

I have seen from a trip to Bandarban In Bangladesh 🤓

@thesobuz OMG they also have bananas that are cream or bluish-colored that taste like ice cream, the red ones so pretty.

Haha you have found !

Awesome pictures, #wednesdaywalk is so cool!

@farm-mom thank you, I love # wednesdaywalk, and to see the walks from others, too.

Wow! Pictures are amazing!

A nice post you made. You have your own that is. 👍 Happy.

@wakeupkitty thank you, I love my flowers

you've got such a beautiful yard & plants! ;)

@trayan thank you, I love flowers.

You have an amazing green thumb! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

@melinda010100 thank you, we did have a very nice Thanksgiving. I hope yours was also good.

Thanks! My kids and grandkids were here for the weekend, and that is always good!

@melinda010100 yes having them over is bittersweet, I love having them here but when they leave the house is to quiet. And I have to get used to it all over again. I really miss my kids when they were small, I wish I could do it all over again.

Those were precious times. My grandkids are growing up so quickly, too. Each day I get to spend with them brings me so much joy.

What country is this in? It looks like a very similar climate to here in Suriname.

@justinparke I live in Florida, USA. Where is Suriname? I think I have heard of it but not sure where it is at.

We are on the northeast coast of South America, with direct flights to Miami. I just wondered because you're climate looks very similar. I've always been curious if ackee grows in Florida, but I've never seen it yet.

@justinparke we can not grow ackee here, the state of Florida has a ban on growing and selling it. I believe it will grow here, climate-wise. Nice to know where you are from, thank you.

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