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RE: Good Weather and bad Weather - WednesdayWalk

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago

Good morning JJ,
that's so right, what you are saying. I have so many photos, where luck was the only reason for it to be good.

This one was pure luck - right time, right place and accidently the right settings on the camera, because this moment lasted only a few moments.


That one is so special the magical moment of golden light caught on that peak
But no so much accidental fir the settings I am sure you were set up for shots there and this magic happened

You are right, I was set up for a sunrise, but the sunrise was meant to happen on the opposite site, and when I turned around to go back to the car, I saw it. Of course, it was also luck, that I did not have to change any settings :)

Although I say it all the time as well we should never say it was good luck we were all prepared for it, and with sunrises or sunsets I have learnt to always look around during them from time to time you never know when you are going to see something special

Yes, you are right, and you should always turn around, because especially at sunrise / sunset, the best photo option might be behind you :)

YEs indeed, and even just walking around its a good habit often you never know what we will find at different angles

That's completely right, JJ, turn around, walk around a place to see different views higher up or lower down to the ground ... but mostly my problem is patience, like today. I was walking with my macro lens, and I have photographed some bees and bumble bees and other insects and flowers - most of the photos were blurred, apart from a few, because I was in a rush for the next shot ;)

I even didn't look at the photos on the camera display.

All, just because I could not calm down after work and still have been in a hurry on my relaxing afternoon walk. Bu tI didn't realize that until I reviewed the photos at home.

I do that all the time with macro as well, and onthe camera screen they always look so much better than hen you see them on the computer LOL

Slowing down is something I struggle with I am pretty much always hyper doing one thing and thinking of four others, my work colleague who has two kids with Autism/ADHD, quite bad says he sees so much in me that are traits his kids have, and thats even with him having known me inthe field and here, he says I have slowed down a lot but my mind is running about 300 % of what everyone else’s is, and that shows when taking photos like you say while taking one shot I am already thinking about the next one like you were doing

Ah, I forgot about your hyper thing, and I tell you that I cannot slow down - my stress might be relaxing for you ;)
I don't know any Kids with ADHS, but I have seen such on TV. I would need the patience, that their parents have.

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