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RE: Good Weather and bad Weather - WednesdayWalk

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago

OK, @janton, but when I read the Redneck explanation on Wikipedia, then I don't think, that I'm a Redneck, although you say, it's a good thing, and although I wouldn't mind:

But you might be right, when you say, that every hardworking... is a redneck in some ways - I like to ride my motorbike, and a few years ago I spent my afternoons lazy on the couch watching TV. I didn't care driving my car after drinking a few beers.


howdy again sir johannpiber! wikipedia doesn't know what their talking about, as in many cases. Make that many, many cases as I've found in my researching different historical topics. They miss it alot and many times are political motivated to the Left or socialist leaning definitions in the way they see and approve definitions.

In other words, regular people write definitions and information, many times very amateurish, and wikipedia accepts those as fact. with no verification.

In the case of the term redneck, the political left here started using it as an insult to conservatives to mean something which it doesn't mean. And wikipedia, about the only thing they got right is that it refers to people in the South. But I've found that there are rednecks in every country of the world(rednecks in character traits and behavior, not location) and I don't take it to mean just in the U.S.

I gotta stop here to go get my post ready to publish!

I knew, you would write something like this, when I mention the wikipedia article ;)

Rednecks, as described on this wikipedia article, are everywhere - name them Rednecks, I would call such a person "Prolet" (Yob).

Your definition of a Redneck is different from wikipedia. Are these YouTube videos all fake where they show Rednecks driving their trucks through the deep mud, and the drunk bikini girls having fun with those guys? lol

Seriously, @janton, I know, what you mean, but I think, that everybody has people in mind, which are discribed in this wikipedia article, when he or she thinks of a Redneck.

Howdy again sir johannpiber! yeah the youtube videos are real but that's the extreme redneck, that's why I call myself The Gentlemen Redneck because I'm totally redneck but not that kind of redneck. wikipedia is MOSTLY wrong but they help spread the idea that people have about rednecks. I'm trying to knock out some comments before I go to the airport so I won't be impossibly behind or I would give you my definition, I'll do that another time.

OK, @janton, you will be on the road by the time I am writing this reply, and I hope everything is fine without rain or havy traffic jam.

"Gentleman Redneck" - I like this title 😉 ... I know, the Youtube videos are extreme and the majority of people are not that bad or stupid, although I like to watch these videos :)

haha! I like those videos too and rednecks are famous for that kind of thing and we all make fun of each other because of it! lol. But that's just a small part of the redneck personality. I know lots of people on steemit who are total rednecks but they are
gentleman rednecks like me, extremely smart and successful but totally country! lol. A beer in one hand and a gun in the other! lol.

Did I say, that I like that name "Gentleman Redneck"?
I do, and I can imagine you, standing on the porch, looking over your perfectly cut lawn, which goes up to the horizon, a beer in the left, and a gun in the right hand.
Your are wearing a cowboy hat and sunglasses, so the bright Texas evening sun does not blind you...

... and Mrs. J yells from the kitchen "@janton, dinner's ready, come and set the table!"

lol! That is SO accurate sir johannpiber! Have you been spying on us? No wonder Jack has been on edge lately! lol.
Except I don't drink beer. I mean I will if I'm with someone who likes beer but generally I like wine, which is a little more
gentlemanly in my opinion.

I have hacked a spy satellite ;)
It looks more gentleman like when someone drinks wine, that's right, but when it's too much wine, the wine drinker is the same as the beer drinker ;)

Redneck is a derogatory term chiefly but not exclusively applied to white Americans perceived to be crass and unsophisticated, closely associated with rural whites of the Southern United States.

Thank you for this information, @wikitextbot :)

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