Moving day approaches. A "Day of Mayhem"

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I am LEAVING this pile of hypocrisy behind me

As of next Monday, I can begin moving stuff INTO my new apartment.
In preparation for that, I've been doing stuff in small stages.
I got a 5x5 storage unit that is RIGHT around the corner from the
(if it weren't for a row of our apartments, and the wall around the storage
Facility, I could see it from my front porch)

This was the first step

Into the storage unit
Then took some shelving down here, and moved them to there

Then more stuff, and more shelves

i ended up taking both my keyboards, the one in my car first so I could
Empty that case to bring the older one from here in the apartment

All this was done over the last 14 days.
This morning I took two largish boxes and a bag full of pillows over.
I got my friend Robert (who helped me move my gear before I had
The surgery), not that I needed his help, I just thought it would be a
Nice way to get him out of the building and show him where I was moving
To. We went to the storage unit then to my new apartment complex.
I haven't got the keys yet, so we couldn't go in, but I showed him the
Then I came back and proceeded to tear this place up, wrap and pack
And create all manner of mayhem

So right now, I am rewarding myself by eating a bowl of pineapple sherbet.
Believe it or not (you may not be able to tell from the photos,) but
I HAVE made a great deal of progress.
Tomorrow, I will attack this corner, see what is in the cedar chest
(should be blankets and such, with room for more such things)

My friends with their truck are coming into town on Sunday, to
Stay with their son who also lives in Smyrna, and all of us will
Together assay the task of getting me moved from here to there.

"My Day of Mayhem"

a surrogate #wednesdaywalk

Jerry E Smith
All but the top image are original

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

This .gif was created by @elgeko


Moving is always hard work tiring and a lot of mayhem but I think in this case it well be well worth it to move to a new and better place

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Thanks JJ, it is upon me now, and I don't feel nearly as much
Trepidation. The most doubt I feel now is all the papers I
Habitually leave laying on my computer desk. I used to
Have a real desk, with DRAWERS where I could at least
Try to keep things more organized.
Now, I will have more space and with time I'll find
Something suitable.
The other thing I feel now is, that I was/still am
Considering relocation or at least traveling, so
The more I purchase or collect, the more STUFF
I'll have holding me down, should I choose to
GO! Decisions decisions. :D

Ohh yes a move makes one think about things like that I am going to move next year so I am slowly clearing things aout and throwing out things I havent used for a few years to make it easier when the time comes to move.
So feelings of trepidation I think is totally normal, just look forward to setting up things in your new place as you like them

Oooohhhh... The Day approaches... :)
I see you're building up a nice momentum to it! All the best, have fun and don't over-do things...

Thanks @ackhoo, but I've already hit a snag. for some reason my calendars
Didn't sync, so until JUST NOW, I hadn't reckoned with my CT Today;
I had thought I'd have all day to piddle and pack, now I must
Curtail my food and coffee intake, go get injected with
Dye and scanned at noon. Doesn't exactly RUIN my
Day, but it sure puts a curb on things. If I
Hadn't already taken down the TV in my
Bedroom, I'd consider going back
To bed for a few hours.
Ah well, it is what
It is. Thanks for

Howdy sir jerry! oh what fun! total chaos and mayhem. lol. it'll be great once you're settled in though. What is that silver machine that you show on the first batch going into the storage unit?

That is a coin counter and sorter, I got it for almost nothing at the Salvation Army,
I couldn't get it to work right, and have carried it now for just over 2 yrs.
I was going to dispose of it, but decided to give it one last shot,
Plus I looked up the company and device online. Their
Description on how it SHOULD work didn't help,
But I discovered what was not happening
Right. Now it works, but you still have
To get the paper rolls, and last I
Checked, the banks even don't
Accept rolled coins, so it may
Have all been a wasted
Effort @janton

Howdy sir jerry! Very interesting, the banks don't accept rolled coins anymore? They want you to bring in coins loose?

ha ha... no I don't think they want the coins at all.
If you bring in rolled coins, they can't tell if you've slipped in
Some fake coins, if you bring in loose coin, they don't have time
To count nor do they have machines to do that, last I checked anyway.
There are machines that count for you in Kroger and Publix and
I assume other large grocery outlets. They charge a percentage
Of the count for the service. There just isn't any way to get
Away from having to pay for the simplest things
These days it seems.
I may be wrong about the banks, but that is what I
Remember from the last time I asked about it.
Good Morning @janton

Howdy sir jerrtsuseer and good morning! Yes, I believe that about the banks, it's pretty amazing but I believe it!

I've just been to my new apartment, got the keys and all, spent two hours getting my internet connected and set up (one defective router), now I can start early to begin moving, though this being Friday afternoon in Hotlanta, I do not think I will be venturing out again tonight.
I found out one disappointing item, I swear I remembered that the apartment had washer/dryer hook ups, but alas it does not.
Now, I won't have to worry about doing anything with all my coins, I'll have to use them in the laundry facility :(
Thanks @janton

Howdy tonight sir jerrytsuseer! well that sounds like very good progress there. Tomorrow is your final moving day?

Good morning Sir Jon Boy, I don't know how this keeps getting derailed, so let me do it this way.

  1. my lease at THIS apartment was due for renewal on OCT 23d.
    I did not want to remain here. I began looking and found the new place in Smyrna.
    When I paid for the application, it had been my INTENT to give the required ONE MONTH notice HERE at the apartment I did not want, which would have been Sept 23d, this Monday.
  2. so I initially set that as my proposed move-in date in Smyrna, at the new apartment.
    Then I found out that they would have to contact THIS apartment to check if I'd ever been late with my rent payments.
    I did not want THIS apt to find out I was moving that way, so I went ahead and told them.
    So my official move in date in Smyrna, at the new place is SEPT 23d, this Monday.
  3. now feeling overwhelmed and unable to move about THIS apt for all the boxes, I called YESTERDAY to see if we could do the final step, the walk through, my signing and receiving the keys, and was told that yes, and if I wanted I could go ahead and START moving. So I did, but only managed to get my internet service started yesterday.
    I have until Oct 1 to get out of this apartment on Auburn Ave. My friends with their trucks are coming up on Sunday, and my larger pieces of furniture will be moved Monday, Sept 23d.
    Thanks for being so interested and following up on my escapades @janton

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